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52 Nassau Law. 1 (2002-2003)

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The Journal of the Nassau County Bar Assoclztlon

September 2002
Special Insert:
See member
benefits on the
calendar insert.
Domus on the Lawn
Sept. 10. 2002
5 30 p m at Domus
Judiciary Night
Oct. 3, 2002
5.30 pm. at Donus
Breakfast at the Bar
& General Membership
Wed. Oct. 16.2002
.8 00 a m. at Domus
Topic,' ong Term Care Planning
Wk 'IE Italian Feast
k, Nov. 16, 2002
7.130 p m:at Domus
Gingerbread University
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2002
2 Sessions at Domtms
Thurs, Dec. 12. 2002
6.30 p.m. at Domus
Caribbean Cruise
President's Week
Feb 15-222003
London Trip
Memorial Day Week
,May 20- 26, 2003
Have lunch with us andJon us
for th' 'onthly.Nssau lkwyer
Publication meeting at Domus,
second thursday of each month,
Sept. thru. June at 12.30 p.m.
Find out how you can earn CLE
credits for your sholady articles.
Net meeting- Sept 12 2002.
A   eu f Law  .....12-13
car ........ a*t
Cl eS    ............ 23
r-01 IM Phal. ....... 4
'low   ........... 8
E      CA  ..........16


ULLU^L UUIMMUNI I y IU UAI lt',: un  uep ,meru, Zuusm NiUA' KICK-MOTVe
Domus-on-.dh-Lawn BR, will welcome Judges, attorneys, m-inbers and non-members.

T here is no better way to complete the
summer than celebrating our profes-
sion with colleagues, great food and
fun. Tuesday, September 10th will
mark the third Annual Nassau County Bar
Association Committee Fair and Barbeue
hosted by the Membership Task Force. We
sincerely wih to thank ahead of time our
co-sponsors this year. State Bank of Long
Island, L'Abbate, Balkin, Colavito and
Contini, Esqs and Lee-Nolan Insurance
Agency for supporting what is considered to

be one of the most well attended and fun
events of the year
All who have attended in the past have
enjoyed great weather and great food,
These are two of the beat combinations for
a successful event. Last year, we added
'Good HumorIce cream to the mpnu and it
was a lut with all who tried it. Old mer-
bers and new members alike have
responded with enthusiasm by mixing and
minghng Into the twilight of the evening.
Projected attendance for this year's event io
See DOMUS, Page 4

Vol. 5; No. 1
September 11:
A lookback
moving on
The losses were staggering. Nassau
County families were especially hard hit.
The nation was plunged into mourning and
the Nassau County Bar Aascclat.on
searched for sor way to help Reacting
swiftly to the news of the September 11
tragedy, the Assciation's leadership devel.
oped a multipronged plan. Almost immedi-
ately we offered assistance to those
members of the profession directly effected
by the events of September 11, offering
%e pin-dte   and-e  ological resources,
even the creation of a website for one
attorney so his clients would be able to
locate him. We then organized volunteers to
prcvide'pro bono legal guidance for families
-who'suffereda loss by helping them navi-
_gate Surrogate's Court~and a myriad of
other-challenges with which they were
.faed :Finalb; our membeis contbuted to a
newly created NCBA/WE CARE World
Trade Center Disaster Relief Fund. Even
though there were numerous other charities
and community organizations who were also
raising fno, we ,were pleased to have col.
lected some $33,000 for the NCBA/WE
CARE WTC Emergency Relief Fund. A com.
mittee was appointed and charged with
determining the best use of the money The
committee was cognizant of the number of
other sourms of relief and support for
affected families, and, gyen the limited
amount of money and the vast numbers of
Nassau County surviving IAmily members,
See LOOK BACK, Page 6

Honorees announced for'Commitment to Justice Dinner'

Nassau/Suffolk Law Services, a non-profit
legal services organization which provides
free civil legal representation to low income
Long Islanders, has announced plans for its
Fourth Annual Comnitment to Justice
Dinner. The event will be held on the evening
of Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002 at the Crest
Hollow Country Club Fne-is of the organiza-
tion will gather together to recognize the work
of Law Services and to toast its outstanding
honorees. Last year's Dinner was an event to
remember. Energy was high and the 300
attendees, many from the legal communit),
came out to demonstrate thoir commitment to
access to justice for low income Long Island.
There has already been an early demonstra.

tion of enthusiasm and support for this year's
Among those honored are A. Thome i Levin,
past president of the Nassau County Bar
Association  and   President  Elect   of
the New York State Bar Association, and
Joshua M Pruzansky, past president of both
the Suffolk County Bar Association and of the
New York State Bar Association. Both individ-
uals will be recognized for the strong support
they hase given to pro bono service and their
outstanding leadership within the legal com-
munity According to Sarah Jane LaCova,
Executive Director of the Suffolk County Bar
Association and former Law Services' hon.
oree, these gentlemen have been movers and
shakers, devoting   their lives  toward
See HONOREES, Page 6


member A Thomas Levin will be JoWied
by Joshua M. Pruzansky, the law firm of
Rlvkin Radler LLP and GEICO Direct

I                                                                            -- I                                                                      I    II  I            II    '   I   I II

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