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4 Hennepin Law. 1 (1935-1936)

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-VoLuME 4  ..  .-Mi

Drunken Driver Public Menace
Motor Accidents Cause
96,0C0 Deaths in HENDERSON HEADS
Tlee Ycars                    COUNTY             BAR
By                        AqSOCIATION
Ed. j. Gaff
County Attorney, Hennepin Co.
Ninety-pix thuoiiselnd motor leath,
in the pao. three yaro. in America
pir-vo 116. title.
'there nr, ppetle in this world who
have H,  sC'Me of Color. They cn.
not dl5tiaguioh red from  ge nn or
hlue front yellnw. There are others                                A
who have not sense of msuic, They
rn-nt ditigoish  one   Air from
another. They rnnot tell the Ptar
Spanleid Banner fr.,,s Dieic. It is
sit a00i:w to them. From  my daily
contart vdth drulkon auto deltocr,
nnl careless (!river- I liuivo rearbcd
Ith  ronclusiona that wil Also have iTl
this world people wnho have no moral
piaFe. htigt or.d wrong inva  abxo
Inlely nothing to them.
There 13a n0 greater neoace to
life Ihon a dru nken pet oio a' the
Aterring  wheel of an ontenohilh.
Society  woulM t  nuch soer to
place it anoahine gula in C t, lsnh.i      Willfas It lenderson
of an Insanse  in i nd turn hlro looe
on a busy street.                      Our new   president, William
The drurhrn driver spsrve no one. llcnlerqnn, needs no introduction I
lii' vleinn su aronix the rich and  the leaders of this paper. It give
poor alike-the ! Oninl, the old-the ui frest pleater. however, to pat
tron+ and the wiiik. Widowe ard Ilh the following letter, wshieh  w
oralins  know   him. lie   ainers, received in the unusl enurse of orr
crushes nnd dvsLroya. A    drunken spitoltene  Asid  which  shown  I
srivor is a dasigronros ormy.     aending In brsoder fields than th
Recently the entire city of   - iv. hich we attempt to cover In the
nrapolis wn  Prskt!d by the death  rolumn. 'isia letter was reeivi
of a mother And son on the Sniskopt-e from  the  , ommer-ial Law Lealr
highway caured by a drunken driver. of Amlerica and is quoted o follow
Any drunken    driver is about a' Mr. Carslen G, Jltratiot. lditar,
depi-ahle  a  cre ture  so  our  civliz -  The  loepi  La  err,
lion hos produced. Thero cat) be no New hark Lf ala,.
SMinarspoli.. OlnlssssoI
compromise with the drunken driver I5.00 St. .lont
-s'hent a-s convince him tist he      yeure ort lbt ±th at hand and sob
will not hi tolerated, we shall be Nedte to soy I .. raei   et5.r a II
Su55e*15f an ceehnge of aw
well on our way to his elimlnatiot.  live pbislictroso. your nlm ie I=
One medical authority has Phown   rada boen iod en e   ailing
that drusnken driveiu kilt or injure 1ind0. asl one Jose u   i  ksw
aholftd5 wih -5e stnuaisoI kew.
two persons per occident, n lgillhist shll ba wyh  i Heart ght  iof,
nn'! hy the lion-intoxicated person. Nose ihe -shotr lar Atoettl 1 I
Fale  Accidents rutid by drunken doublyse o  ht yor owingI t  h Use n
that ono e sr   test and unwO p
Costsns'f Onpope4, risess ese msemenrs, pad a former lieeid
otw  b-ppiens to he chief essefthy,
;oss osttstlotion.
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE OF                         Very irab rest
HENNEPIN COUNTY                                        x J -I RtIGE,
ORGANIZED                                                    Soceally
It ha  heen Announced that the
judiciary, Committee or hlennepin MISSOURI TAKES ACTION
Coiaty ban organizd Al follows:      AGAINST INDEPENDENT
Josioh E, Brill, Chairumn.        INSURANCE ADJUSTMENT
Loren C. Babcock, Secretary.      CORPORATION
Bergmann Richsri, Publicity.       Shortly prior to July ath last
Governor Floyd 13. Olson has been test suit was Instituted by Attorne
given a copy of the by-laws and the General Roy M    leitterick befoen t
Conimittee wsill go as a body to wait Tilieourt Supreme Court to de.
upon him upon hia eomplisnee with mine whether adjusting compatt
a Ial-getinn to that effect.       can continue to engage In functlo
Term memhershipa on the commit- which he claims constitute -prad
tee have been allotted an follow.:   log law. The complaint, filed at UI
First Grop-Harace Van Valken- requent of the Missouri State ]a
burg. one year: Leslie .. Anderion, Association. was directed against th
two   yearn;  Paul  Christopherson. Universal Adjuelstent a inspectla
three years.                         Co. of Kansos City and charged th
Second    tirnp-A. J. Casey, o00  the defendant was guilty of usnrpln
year; Loren C. Babcock, two years; privileges, franchises, rilhts and a
Andrew N. Johnson, three years.      thoritles tot granted by tho. state
Third Crop-eTermann Richards, Missouri In wroulffully and Illegal
Iuie year; Mark Woolley, two Years; engaiging In the practice of law,
Josiah E. lrlil, three yoers.         Cntlbnued fops pf i, co9lias I

by HInnepin County Bar Association

F   ].

Digitized from Best Copy Available



ANNOUNCED                          LEE 0. BYARD
-A icrefol examination of the new      PRESIDENT
totinnery of our loCl association,  At the Juno convention of the kil
whih gvena ampte Stat.e Ila             Association out      Il lonta
'awhich given a complte l of the                            1
s .tatnding e'omittees, re,-els the felowa  memter of te lietlnspi  r N.  4R
thought which our new president, Counw member of the  o nnsln ferok  it  61 e1  ph. and
William  U. Htenderson, has devoted  Ityard, wa Asotid to thae preoiey  xtetsith, n  IqIslide h4t-
to making the selection. Every rhado of the Associatlon.        tadcest that e  I    t  l  r
of thought tS well represented with-
out loslng sight of those wsho have                             of a peaent#lie of th lime'
served us welt in the past. Every                               sOtatae i&e MeoplatiitatoL he
appsoint ient is deigned to place the                          ahared also by          SONMte Ij  PM,
ii0ltoOe on the committee where                                Uar Aasoeinlat W      Nvw
his telents can le exercised to their                           York Lite WeUlp. O   .   boft
hesIt advantage. With these commit-                             ed the bi di  eri         eas-
tees at work in hocking up the new       ........               clf
officrrs much will be accomplfshed                                he Office If OqaPiO  witihth
for the good of the bir during the                              asic5aa7 frnfilte .old Uotl*.W
com ing  year.                                                   gip t   ian ld l .
For the converienee of our mem-.                               raph !ad a pqkdi   w-m
hers C. complete list Of these Vend-                          graph. Thr I.            * li-
log eommiltces Is given is follows:                             sisea, pimauatiy 11&0 o   . as-
Progrsm- Pauin, Jroocak, Ch, Be-                              tolwns C iheajy tol h mo d  1110
nita  F.  ti ekbe,  Ee ,  Witt  Verion  s.                    hit   f  th   i.1 ib g  'at   .eIae e
Welch, John  l. Palm r, M atthew  J.                         ed  commf    3e  I   AG M . ad
Lcvist thiarlen 11, Davis and Micve J.               -                 f                   +
Fisiseshi oirsmn,.
Public Relstloi.s-lar ld 0. ('ant,                           soclatad wis Mr. Rome in ,ms
Ch., John de  iaitlre, Ee., with  ieo-                         !  Io  t5o   at  t e  s  q1iai   few
vitt It. arker, John F. Bonner, Cls.  Lee Blrelak Ryad        t. She. ,o di
A. Ritler, l]o P. McNally arid John                            ezparlea   i        M      a10
A. Weeks.                         Mr. Byard wai born In Nisne1si- knowlsdw at b. w  d k4   a.-
B,    'emurl  ts gnd Plocedurt-Er- ile Feb. 18, 1812. lie graduated froal seieto  p d  nolwinea 'on
a nest A.M ichol, Ch, Leioy Htowen, sarvard in 11105 with an A. B. He whh t          •
,* ,ee., with Ernest E. Watson, W. W. graduated from the Harvard College  Th = A.     ll   #0
b- Daitwali. Qsarter IT.~miso Leutl, af Law iza 190, wtiths -An  for 00amR4b11n
ere W. Youngdshl, Thomas 13. Ifr, 1010 hr was aioitted to thil Miii pyWa e
.G A. Youniquist ad Thomse Ven. eots bar and has been In entatm, s Wleltalo   a he.16 P.
e, rAm                             practice In firm-ppoli since that shilesaiik S I  O  e5 .! MI
at   Bar -Memorial-John C  Bason, date. The new president forirly of u ni st l   e. agfswi
8, Ch., Charles If. Haperi., Ser., with headed our asescioti n, end lest year skon that b*60 a Oial tW  lo
od Horace Von Valkeoburg, F. Gordon  wa vice preslent of h. state e.- Infl-oe   IAt t-pa.aFin ..
*u Wright and Gordon J. Mangan,    soclation, also chairman of its corn-  The grow e r t  it4  ies
A-   Criminal Law and Practile-Pred  sittet on integration of the tar.  especlally, the Work  l
P. Wsrber, Ch. Felix e. Moe  .,                                comtt , sa s  e f ie Oi-
with Mathias Baldwin, Neil gfuhes. .en i                                a h           M  +I
11arold C. Bellow, Win. 0. Compton,                            of t         m e     aM -.I
Leo P- MelIale, Clyde R. White snd                              ofFICIAL NOTICE  t   the  w  V   s
- Maynerd H, Pirelg.                     OFFICI. tih v                                wtl  I
or   Rellef-Abbott L, Fletcher, Ch.    Notice Is hereby gim  tuat  wet-. noe         al s aieseU
W. Patti Moorhead, Sme., and James  the following lssa have    oled alimses ad ti e a m eelt
t I. Sheare                          been nominated as candidates  1     by  fflon    s e
it   Reel EAstte Law and Pratlce--  for election to the Minesa  ct ebabum ten thoe   a
Walter 3. Troguer, CIL, Buth B. RhO-  State Bar Association Judiri-  wa :heseisew, s   t   .i
he berg, See, with Siner B. Young,  soy Commttee, sl              wi .oth ...c;plll a-
ot Henry  W, Ia   etoce, Dessi. P.    A   mite. Ands,         tork o. aot    I
Myers,  Ralph  H.  Comsford,  j.  R.  Nell  .  An                l, italed  a  seem   eath  p. im*A
a  Everett, Charles T. Murphy and F.     Join C. Beneon            of      ow    a   d        , the
0. Patton.                            Jhnasi. Q  R and, Jr,,   S      aione s  nd    I   i
Cth.c--   e    . O'Brien, C.,         a tk . Mrley,             , It I , ora
James D. Bfin, Soe., with Samual .  P zria   . Mrleyn,     t     fi  ttle   MA I      the
qmllow, Howard P. QUealy, Win.       A. tE  . Dhazdi           a          eaa%
uloward  Anderson,  H.  E.  NM og,    Sigur   IsBed.t aw ndh            iiA e     ovin     t
Lewls W. Cild, Pau C. Christopher-
son nd Adolph Anderart.            Notien d f-rthw  Iyen0 klSt z oaiqs tt It t hwpu te
Un  terildoelle   Practice- dward  3.  ot cer  isofsusi ive   hI t bis  I  ,ofit-.  b -. . i bl  *i   e  il
Loring, Cl.,  [hflip T. Sherma., Se .,  clvid up to md Issleding . Rep-  of5 l+ auk   _' IdI
a with Mark S. Woolley, Haroild W.   ltmber It, l&.' Of those nom-  to both lawyrs ad the ll .
y  COX, Robert  . Morrison, M. C. Tifft,  laoted, fouri aw to ba lleted.  Tle ofc I doeotllUd  l,i Me
be Elol Bsers, Edwin B. Murphy ard   All moomintliors MUffT be by  f lawMs  9 -li       smaemeeIdp
Arnold A. Rirllins.                iritten petition ad lt he  will he ia. Nse th daqq*S me
as   Hambsni -Martln 3. WSW, Ch.,     signed by at'least fee  urd-  and soead 0   o
Al frncis V. Davidson, Sec., withi A. J.  JOg lasepero residWIn   &I oadll sr Mit 'I =. ha   4
k- Caey6 Hstett W. Kati-m, Asmisest  pin (Sunty.              ,     tI h t  ii/  neV   . 040 tS
a* Tautge rs Jerq  A. Levino, J. C.  '       n       b a          ui ,   hi a  -be,.
r  lo'eli...  itdT. Carrll, Grandla  'Th  k iln vdf  l b  b  scrt  II1ua  -i
at Godiey and Alur T. Nelsorn.       ballost and will he conduetd iy,  th'I  We* oft  . cow  1g.l a
Cola mo&%hrT         esn              Commiatte to be anionuned  blefi, me a iless bae~
ia at our first genei1 meeting on                                   at     l         e
at A STUDINIVS VIEWtmoy1,IVS                                        tiahaid -aet                ofuj. .
igj  A. atdest, taking th  Michigan      Rols d itly etiotisi  ', mtion          .      .    .
a-Par sallineOii     was discussing        yearn i,       _.11K 01lse6,Ia         .,mw tJ
f chsocs and tlanctsn in a. test on      ,       5~e             m        inatb
'coeatila4tloul w. No  maid the                   5y     jM.mAta ~h                 .sa,
*  trouble  wi   ? m  system   w ee  'too                                             A l I et +   m d  l -m
-ins  beelint  ao, bem , as             . •-..

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