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28 Headnotes 1 (2004)

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Dallas Bar Association


Volume 28 * Number 1 • January 1, 2004

Making Quality Legal Services

Available to All

         by Sue Cady

J   ust ask Michael Shore and
    Peter Kraus why they give
    so generously to the Cam-
paign for Equal Access to Justice
and they'll tell you it is because
they see the need every day for
high quality legal services for the
poor in Dallas.
   Not for the first time, both of

their firms have pledged $25,000
to the 2004 campaign, which
funds the Dallas Volunteer Attor-
ney Program.
   DVAP   conducts neighbor-
hood clinics each month at four
community locations; specialty
clinics including Debt Counsel-
ing Clinic, Legal Clinic for the El-
derly and Mental Health Clinic, a
Pro se Divorce Clinic; a referral
program to large firms and a civil
case telephone referrals.
   Contributions to the campaign
allow the work of the Dallas Vol-
unteer Attorney Program's volun-
teers and staff to continue and, in
fact, thrive. With 12 full-time em-
ployees who coordinate and sup-
port pro bono activities and over
1,000 active volunteers, DVAP
helped over 3,000 people from
January 1 to November 30, 2003.
The program and its volunteers

sponsored   72  Neighborhood
Legal Clinics, 70 Pro Se Clinics,
and 21 CLE programs in 2003.
   DVAP's work hasn't gone un-
noticed. The program and its vol-
unteers have received multiple
State Bar awards and have been
recognized by the American Bar
   Like the Campaign for Equal
Access to Justice, DVAP is a joint

program of the Dallas Bar Associ-
ation and Legal Aid of NorthWest
Texas (formerly Legal Services of
North Texas). Both the DBA and
LANWT provide financial and
management support to the pro-
gram, and both bring their indi-
vidual strengths to the Campaign
and   DVAP. The    DBA   has
fundraising experience and the
relationship with volunteers and
potential volunteers to enhance
financial support and recruit-
ment. LANWT has the expertise
of over 30 years of providing legal
assistance to the poor
   In addition, DVAP provides
program support and ancillary
services for free MCLE training,
professional liability insurance
coverage, volunteer court re-
porters, volunteer guardians and
attorney ad litem and mentoring.
   Since 1999, Shore and his wife,

Judy Keller Shore of Shore*Deary,
have contributed $130,X00 to the
campaign. Kraus and his firm, Wa-
ters & Kraus, L.L.P, have con-
tributed $66,0xJ to the campaign
since 200().
   'We give because it's easy and
it's the right thing to do - a rare
combination, Shore said. 'We
want to try and even the playing
field. Justice is not free and many

cannot afford high quality legal
   Kraus said he believes giving
back to the legal profession and
making access to justice available
to all is the right thing to do.
   The Campaign for Equal Ac-
cess to Justice began in 1994. The
fundraising drive begins each fall
and culminates with the inaugu-
ral in January.
   'We could not provide the
high level of quality legal services
we offer without the ongoing and
generous support of donors like
Michael Shore and Peter Kraus,
said Rhonda Hunter, DBA pres-
ident. 'We appreciate them and
the way they honor us by giving
to this campaign.         HN

  Sue Cady is the Communications
    Director for the Dallas Bar

Hunter Takes

Reins as 2004

DBA President

                by Aiex Fleming
honda Hunter, a Board Certified Family Law
     Specialist, has becoen the 95th president in the
     131 yearhistory of the Dallas Bar Association. She
is the first African-American and
the first family lawyer to serve as
President. Hunter has served on
the Dallas Bar Association board
of directors since 1991 in every
executive capacity from Secre-
tary-Treasurer in 1993 to chair of
the Board in 1999, to president-
elect in 20)3.               Hunter
   Education is an important theme in the initiatives
planned for this year.
   My goal is to educate the public and the profession
during my tenure as president, she said. I am honored
that the lawyers of this great organization have selected
me to lead it.
   Hunter will take an educational package to schools
through the Law Day and Law and the Schools commit-
tees of the Dallas Bar. She will also host a legal clinic for
the poor at Belo in March, continuing a program she
began as president of the DBA Community Service
   Te home for our lawyers should also be known as
a place where service is given to the community, Hunter
said. We have so many great projects through our sec-
tions and committees, I hope to expand the public's
knowledge about the resources available through our
lawyer volunteers.
   This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme
Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Educa
tion. The DBA Commemoration Comnittee, which in-
cludes Judge Merrill Hartman, Michael Hurst, Dar-
rel Jordan, Paula Mifler, Tonya Parker, Sid and
Susan Stahl, Paul Stafford and others is planning a se-

nes o events to nonor me signmlcance ani tne nistonc
nature of the decision. Dennis Archer, president of the
American Bar Association and former mayor of Detroit,
is scheduled to keynote Law Day festivities as a part of
the commemoration.
   Hunter first became active in the DBAwhen she be-
came a member of the Family Law Section, later serv-


MLKLunccon             Justice in Education Symposium                                                   3

  Mack Tr-1

                       Judicial Profile                                                                 7
   e Page 2

                       Focus on Health Care                                                           8-9

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