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51 Bull. 1 (2011-2012)

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I he Erie Institute ofL Iaxx xxll presenit txxo specitat
ucur()gata sIIISeptcndit'wr40  sisi4 U dl {idrc4titi'  s
xxith exvidentce skills and 4 rategyies, along With an up,)
to date uniderstantding of the CU 11R
2111 Update onNexxYor kStat Cix ii
Practice and Procedurie
Fridaa, September' 9
Presenited lt l_) ialo a) ittirtiex
...........Stex en  P  Ct inr  this progir   xi
h)e held ai, (he  ufl N~i
ManI ott ou\hlerpo    t    (Ic xi
A\Inherst oni Friday, Septembetr 9
I iginning at 9.00 a mn1.Cri ixii
tipdlate atltndees oni the (C1_R.
Curvin           inc [tiin suech topics aIJs.
* lisnis-at hi bsed on iriroperirhg dot ettnaorv
plecadI igs
* k-ipeararices arid xxthil.1iaakinactions hx coun-
set of record,
*Snbtwtiuton of parties oii delath of a party a-rid
coiisid rat ionis ot sex entnt ce ol chliris
* Stipul4,ations,
* \otionis alfettiig1)ioOdii
* (]riseutritcs ofIfie eto  v de a 1Bill of
*Dtiscoxverx issues Cand issues mxolx irig Motioiis fot
*DIelault Judgyments
* \p-petlate p.-rocedural issues:
*futid  on nioclilaion ol an aihitration taxxard:
*(:onxnienCceinent ol an at t i-on bhx(and ayalist,
iinat thoti.'ed fireign ci r1 ioiatutns
 Social Serxvices and \No,'rkers Compensation liens:
Choice of Laxx coions nsI and cases m  l n
nltiple defendants;-, r D
 Laxxrers hehaxving hadhy

A uroluate ctf the IUnixversity at1Buffaldo Schiool tf
I -,axx, C to xii has setrxvid as (atuetuhet of the BI
hoard of directors, president ot the \mrnehan _Board of
I rial \dxvocates, and counseloi (and president of the
Chlarles S. IDesnmond Inn otf(otirt I Ic has tatiyght for
the National lustittite for  I ial \'ixocacy and as an
adjunct profesor at the L nix eusitx of at Buffalo  cho
cif Laxx. tii xin is a frecjuent leeturei on (-,ix i Practice
& Prcocecluire and Pa'Ot Laxx for the Nexw Nork State Bar
,V socia tion, the Erie Institute of Eaxx, the Xnnerican
Bcoarcl cf rial kdvcicates, Btiffalo (Chaptei;, and the
kxci ican Inns of C citiC1harles 'S. Desmonci Inn of
Conirt, Buffalo C hapter.
The seimiat xxill laox ide  iricpnt     xith 3.0 CLL
crecdits. 0.5 in EiLes atitl2.5 In Laxx Pract it e \aigrit
Iiegisttat:1ion I ieginis ajt 8 :30camtn xxith the Imittiruatn strig
at 9:00 a    iad coticlutinrat at 12 00  rnCotst for tnerii-
ti)ers Is $65-- and 'Stt0 for nonmmniticus. I his seniunt) xx iii
also tie ax alahle x ia N'che ast Please let us knoxx ifyonux iis
to lt)artii ipate xia. eticas--t xxhen ue isterin ( otiactAai
Ko ththachiei at 852-868  oirnkhhce        Iihrogfor
fur ther details ott to re9istei''
Success~fulExidence Skills
..............   irafegie_3s
2Fridtt               Sep tet 1ef 16
..... ....this pi ograrti xxill he   iresentecc
Ix k onId  -1. Clark,  A i  iiotal
ktintxx nilectutrer and  <auithor Canrid
Clark               Utrgilii            rcttoin'e   ii
Residence    at Seattle      IInicistx
Laxx School. It xxill tie hetd at dthe 1>at egyenex in
doxs noxn Buflalo b[cinning at9:00 tt)ai
t'o ie effectixve in i,:retiiat l111 itiatlicirianriiial i c cuiresta
trasterx ofcxvitteiice skitls atnd strateg-ies. I his serrriar
pirxvides iroxven skitls arid4 strategics fcr hothi pretirial it-
igatioiiarid t  adx oca'c.)  I i ieClips care I _,ocet e
continued ui page 4

Pictoured aovttstant inotlttt In  toighdt, ate (a,'egyot xL.I BTxII, ttoet. ~Jttil1Brtoswtstettt,dtiectot, Pottick B. Cot cot
iriectoit. Bruici ',S./efi'tel, tiresicletit, BRigerI. Ross, xvice 1)11sident WAlliainiE. I axson, iiecior, Roli:-eri N. Conxisst.
delitor c itad NillitnBR I ltes. dii ctot Siated, left mutiitirae Suisant S.I ItigandirectotrI emitia Emit-Beax vers.
delito Shit ition -AtiscorineOsgood, elit et inr, I hit Utnia M.I ixxe, dii ct or ;anti lm aAhTcker, setcietatyx Not pic-
wrc i ate elit cts thonitas E Keefe aol tiuiixP Noii in. The t i ris of PattI1,1  it  li A illiani 11ci,(aridJlanis
NN Stxtoo rtcentlx expired Inin togioec x ac tt iis xxlitchi xxiea illedI l Patrick B. (Nitran  thormas F Keefe . anrd
[Ion. Donnla NI. Sixxek.                                                                         Photo by Susan L. Kohibacher

40              04       If-,&  A  a  A
I-N.rectors        I-o-   7'_001 t
l3kA-1,10 f --- lounctat-ton  -i-,-.,-iects  Offi cers,                              'Nod      -12

CAPIR Update, Su-ccessftt.l. EAid-en-ce Skills & Strategies
A  0   -M  a  _lW_
Scheduled for September. Now Avat able vla NVe.bcast

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