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50 Bull. 1 (2010-2011)

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1 the Elder Laxx ( Comititee (of
thie Bar- kssociatiori of F te
(Conty, In Conrtictiot-i xxith tdie
Erie Itistitnie of ILaxx,xxill present
a three liocir Corit1U11u10,Legal
Edncation       procrtarri    0on
Se1)teiflbet'10, Itorn 900 amt
until -1.2:00 noori on the 620,10
Rex isions to the S(,atutorN Power
of \itorne} forrr It wxiii be fheld t
the Hatt, egency Buffalo,
boctated at Txxo Fonotain Pla'a in
doxxntoxxn Buffailo.
te seminrar xwiii focns on the
fexisioiis to Sectiotiss 1-)-'500:5
15-14 of the General Obhigatiouls
faxxand wxill haxe a tnit-11

' I trrible  \tela ncholx  DepressionCI (AI n i ..........1....
the Legal.Proession..an.oiginal.doco-
nientaiN  filrript'odnic'.d....iuffalo.attor.
ne~  l~atu.l....I.ukaik.and.th...ni.of.it
kind in.the.natio.i..xx....r.c.nt.x.cor
ph ted.ar.d.is.rioxx.b......xx....lx..i..'i
is  corn  ritlx.b.i....se.it.to....c...l.xx.fit...
conern org heleglProfessiona  rmn  I hectl
riet  I  incl. t'ro xx nedby  B ffal al laxx ......b.foi. c
crer  udac  dhc'. usc-siigathithe frsofl  xciits cesx  t
plthoedxxicrisnia be ffriii( v i Is ietie ....
I lie30-mnutedcctiientrx  x as.m....ossile. b
generois grats Ircni.theErie..unt...r.totidati....
the  Nexx.York.Laxxxer.ssistance.trust .and .th
\Iargaret  L..\.endt.t.onnation..Ltikaik .serx.ed.a
execcitix epreelticer..nc..the.B(.(...imitte .to .\ssis
I <cmxx x es  xx ith...p..ss.orithat.he.c'airs.assisc'd .....th

impact on x irtuallv ceuxr practice are,  accordingr to
organizers.1The rev isions a-re both proce'dural and su-
sta,,ntix e and m(ake significant changes to the Statutory
I Fhe curtrent Statitot , Pcxx ci of Attotrney and \l-,Iajor
Gifts Rider forms xxhich became effectixve Just one xyear
agi,-o on September 1. 2009, wxill be ireplaced by the nexx
totrms set onit in the statnite.    Attotrney sGhc
Ileinhanier and Brunce Remoso wxill addtess the chang-es
and rev iexx the statute and newx forms, followxed by (A
question and ansxxer session.Pr-ticipants wxill receixve
3.O (EL credht honrs for attenchng,
T tegister todaN ly fr this irnpoi laut progt'iu. see uir
(I-E Gonrse ( aleudaru on pagre 22, at xx xxxenIebat ~or
01 (ontac1Mad ry NKolilbac her at 852-8687

pAlnn ing and pto dn1cti on.Iii
.......... M/cCee  xwas  the  filmmakct  and
Mic   ael Bea...as the ediot..h
-- ..a.xid..ane.
The.ilm.x.ll.e.ax.ilble ottifi
...... ok...x...ks isauc.To.
........ Assc ationseandwaorhe  egaltorgant -
Progams nd imsoithenflmscatethesgtonpsfal
meetin.B. (2exeenix.e.irectr.Katei'in.S.Biaro.i
explringxx. ethe.th.docmentrx.i.htbe.hoxxn.a
a .futur. meetig.of.te.Nat.nl.(..nerei....f.Ba
Presidents,..............byDvi ~ae
Plan . re. als.nodeix.x.todistiiute.th.I..tito.lax
studens. aridmeo.bt.s.ofthe..diciar.For.urtlic.into
mation abont. he.Gom itt.e.o.Assit...ax....rsxx.it
..)ept.ess.... contct.th...a'.Assciatin.at852-8 87.I
N on .ota. c'oleag..ares.ifft.ingfi.o.the...mptms.o
deptesixe.ilnesscall.8 2-177..le.pis.reail..axila.l
and all.callsate. comp.et...confidentia


0 - -W-ft *tute to Present Se- tember CLE Procrrairn
Lrie his-ti               P
on. R-e.-vised- Power of.Attorney Form-

.-[--)ocu.m-en.tar-Y on- Attorney Depression Di-stri-buted.

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