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47 Bull. 1 (2007-2008)

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\m-ongr the Erie Instift-fe of Iawss
fall  offeri....re..ie..007.t...
xx  itli  ess  \  o.k.....l......lu.....p.
Qulofeirts xeith ethic00athorite ..  ..
Steten  cane:.ad.The.c...x.it
The...0.7..Up...f...... C i...
f......i.e.and...o.e.re... ill.be.Li..hi
a m. unil 1 0  pm  ligi.t.aton .begns.at.. 30.a.
andthecos  i fO totflt (menhe..s.and.. $100..tot
noti-membts.Pat.teipants..ii..teeixe .45 .(....cred
it.......... tot tten ing
l~nt to  N. I pslne  x ill.p..ent .te .200?1.p. at
I~~~........... ip...asb en t. a agn.ato.ie.f.h.tn
tion  deat Irned  at.tte.Nexs Nork .(.t..lax. burn. o
~nrooc  &  ~hrock &  axanI..P.snce ..1.7,... ere.h
aho  sex es  s natinal ltuta..n.coo .d.natt.a.i. chai
of the (E  commitee  Prit.to .joning.S. oock..h
se~s e  as  an assistnt  d..ic..at ...ne .in. Ne...o.
onntx  ad lass  eci eta  .o.Jnt .ce .\bahani.. lhno..
Suprem   ( otit. Nex..o...Connt .and .Apellat. lein
Since  185~ I ishi..ha.hi.enan .ad ...t.profssor. o
lass  a  ('ard .'o  Shool.o...x.....hee .liet.ac. i . Nes

On Tuesday, October 23. the Nisitfine Ntirsine
Association xxwill he at Bar I eadqnjattet s ftrom 9:00 a-m,
to 3:00 p.m. to s accina~te au11-ainst flu and pneurrionia.
Ilu Ishots are reimb~ursed bsyAledicare Part B
Independent IHealth, Encompass 65, Unix era. Senior
tChoice, ( ommrtnitx Blue and Senior Blue. Otherwxise,
the cost is $20 for the flu svaccine and $85 for the pneu-
m-onia shot.
IT'he piroducttion anid distrihbution of flnuxvaccine is
alxas axsunpredic table. In the exvcut cita.xvaccine short-
age ot delax    in  shipmlent, the \/isitmgc  Nursing

\oirk PracticeI-le has been xvoted )tutstanding Adjunct
Pt ofessoi of the Xe6ar Us the g adnating cl ass '12 tim-es
and the axxard has noxw heen named tot'11him.
lipshlie is a ('0-author -alono xx Nitli 13 kC t' ienriher
Sha,-ron Stern (1erstrnan -of 1A61y-,bit(vii Jtrcicicce
f~I'e IUl publishied UsyJames  ublicationis, anid he
also xxrole the chapter and arntnal pocket-part on
'Pai ties for (omenLvillocaion In.A en tort  ta/c
Coin0   pnblistied by AXest-
The (Cuttingw Ldge of Ethics: Emerging
Qestions xwill be lheldion IThursday, k epte  her13
at thielHyatt Regents Buffalo frorri9:00 am. until
1:00 pm.ticoistrationi begirns at 8:30 amLr. arid the
cost is%0lo'13klt itetibfe s -and $100 for rioti-
iteitbers. VXteiidees xxill receive 4.5 (1L- Ecr edits ni-
continued on page 4

\ssoclattori i-s reqnire'd to folloss preenfed (C)C cle-
linles. This ma} i esultin reschedulling, postporng or
cat-icelirig inirrnriiiatioi-i cliriic't
Help us toi help sort: If you expect to participate,
please call Shersy Palerm-o at 85.-28687 and ask foi' the
mcost consvenient time to stop b. Bar staf .f xwill be keep-
ing a Icig in half-hour increments in order to make the
eApei'; Iic s pquick adiasy5\asrpossile for 10eIX 'IXie
If suiti plan to attend. please clout kioct s our insnir-
ance caird, And hetres to a. healths atumn and xwintet'

Fall CLE Lione-u- nclu
-0 des Annual CPLR U date,
.p I                      -P
Ethics Issues and Tri.a.l. Practice

Flu Shots Available to Bar Meinbers in October

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