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31 Bull. 1 (1990-1991)

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September 1990

MandatoryOLE: An Updat

re id nt' Le er
Revised Code of
Professional Responsibility
On April 5 1990, the four de en of the Ap
Division promulgated amended Disciplinary Rules of the
Code of Professional Responsibility These are effective
Septem    1,1     This resulted from amendments to the
Code pro     by the New York State Bar    tion
In a special eight page supplement to this issue of The
Bullrtin. we have inciuded an article authored by Maxiorie
Gross wbo, along with our Ralph Halpern and others, com-
prised a committee to review the Code of Profes-
sional Responsi ~ty. Your attention is respectfully invited to
these significant revisions.
The Code of Professional Responsibility is binding on
lawyers and defines what we may and may not do in the
conduct of our professional lives However the manner in
which we treat other members of the legal-judicial commu-
nity is characterized as professionalism or professional cour-
tesy. Recently, in Chicago at the Nauonal Conference ot Bar
Leaders Meeting which I attended as part of the ABA Annual
summer meeting, the most popular workshop was that which
addressed professionalism. It is a subject about which a vast
majority of local bar associations and their leadership have
expressed concerr.
What are or should be the standards ot professional
courtesy to be observed? This is a subject which our associa-
tion will address in the near future We look forward to
enhancing the professional courtesy and professionalism among
the members of our community In addition to perpetuating
the rapport which our community has long enjoyed, the
public perception of the legal profession and the justice system
will similarly be enhanced
However, do not walt for us to publish the Standards of
Professional Conduct. Rather, examine your own conduct as
it relates to the treatment of other lawyers and judges and see if
you are holding yourself to as high a ~tandard as you desire
others to observe
Pro Bono
As all of you undoubtedly know the Chief Judge of the
State Court of Appeals has upheld the position of the NYSBA
and this Association not to impose mandatory pro bono
service on all attorneys During this two year reprieve, local
bar associations must establish that volunteer pro bono ser
vices have been increased. The article at right provides an
update on this subject, and we will be discussing it with you at
greater length in the near future.
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
The New York State Bar Association's House of Dele-
gates meeting in Cooperstown in late June resolved that there
should be Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. The plan
which is being finalized calls for establishment by court rule
and administration by a comiius~ioui. A miiiimum of cighteen
hours of education is requsred every two years, half of which
may be self study to include in-house training, writing and

teaching and at least two hours of which are to be in ethics and
professional responsibility Local bars will automatically be

Delgats metig, he  ous pasedarsoltion1101to reqr
Manaty   Coninu; ing Legal4Educat0ion in, New YorkAM
*; Everyactie1atorne admitted MAdatiinglaw inlthe
st1 ate of New1Yorkishall1complete 18 hours of _,coniun
legal' ducationcbiennialy, hyAlf fwic  a b ef-td
Two f te 18hous mst b inethis&proes ional
*1 TeNtIuIng legal o educa 1tion requ v 1 irmnt maylbe met
lawerNo fund WMC[ETand& Its=comission
appo p   onsorsi We1; \1:ma gratifidhat iOurtlong? establse
wel dVeloped fr0 Waew orwinwhv111  ih lawyrsCa neal
staf at ar haquaters! , Mare A ugl,1haspe rmitted
oft 191                            ntAm        1l
The work1 110ofJ te1 Bar AssociatinipincId ~ipll don
wih have beel!nPmeeting1regularadworing hard despIt
underthe C amt ansipofMie owersIt, longewth
Boitad ofl Direto, hnas benreulayi n gaged0 inhatings-
ofr' thAms sentive and impo' ~rtant unctin ora assca
tion cnpromRsasueitidnersonibly, diigtly
and hownety
As you nowtwo invetiatoW NsAcoducted, oneon
the baIf rfeecegvn ythe canitAnth t  herI 07 ,10 an
!ioff10the ppl titoninvesiation0. 4Th:he avtter invsaa
seon mmbr IheJdiciary,_   Comtee id1eendentl
cWoductingyan Investigatk1io mUinng a1to T he110'q1ualities Iof the
judical cadidat Memers o the oardAdComtte-r

tions an  evenrciticism

Reporting CLE Credit
*N All aciKVe attorneys,WaTv he ;-tiof their binaregsrto
will brequmired2 W ToreortIt tend1%1-anceatKaroVAco
tiui: ng leglIedua Ion mactiItij uIIIAng e  r ng
.tenty-four othNo fewer tW IhannIefour;ofsuc
*  w Attrnysmust mna in frecOrds cvidcnci n hir partici
pa,1 t in  in ppovedcont iningla  lmuctonoactiitis t
atattiTy-i mnhs Ater1eC h biennil1regitratio
Man11datory Cnti 1 ning Legal Edmuc.a tionbythe1Curt1o
mA osobo wncingMarie A. Mugle at1Bar Hcadquarters
FrmRoetMIAnrd.q, Mning Attorney,
V  olunteerKLAy0rsProltM IncY~&    -  !,:
Thereoisgood w and b lk 1  anwreaigouI
wit thc CBAAcces0 t JusiceCommtte Arand that after
only svNO moths of190,it CPL>has alre1Ady1reer ed171
reerIn all f 1989NU C(364)~n
In h 1 is Law Datspcch olMay19,kCifnudgal
WOAlhtkr1grWltcd'r wu-ylhrKm0rat1nuii n~Uiit
tin n  v lunaybis wl    11nA     lNrn
JuSAvdgeWahler, granedblthe twuyea r morllatonm Ased ,W
upon the! ,Stafte- Bar ',-response. to1the 4 Marrero CommWittee's
recomenAtioNfomadtpobno        The tA t  a

Presidet oflt, H 'KCBA and theEA N Count BarqFondationc .
havepr apin ted oes, to Jstice Committees toWarhadI'
proub bnaci Atin affrt.The StateBr ces oJutc
CommitteeK has been0wrking trALOghseveral3activeNsu
comittees and hsared advertised for a permanent State
Bar saff-poiin ofDiectoofAPro BonAffairs
The suh-                h1commte hie  y orerECA Presiden
th tel00 t 'orur hemionand totoffer assstanceiin thir 1local
pro bono activatioefts

Vol. 31 No 1

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