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27 Bull. 1 (1987)

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UtS Postag e
Buffalo, N.Y.
Perit o.416

Buffalo, New York

MotlDublic-ation oif the Bar- Asso_-ciato o  ri-out

February 1981

Pres I. ntcs Lefler

Te rie  CoU nQClerk'
proesioal ivs t  itis like
thnk abot itThe Cou t1n 1
Clr S tec   ficiilek!o
CountyCourt in F1   County.
His: ffice isWA: the 441de to of E
NWich occr here. The-re a re few k inds of lw pracice which.
do, not[deaf withtihis office:the Qlimigtr Obtaing ain dex\
number; the title exminer ceking a mort lae foreclosure;
the conveyanerclosigia realestte dal; thet:bankti:jcy
lAwyerekin ie  :ns or1ener &Itaj  eng 0t: ih   lj ROr
corpratl1awyerr i : )r d a mve  e o 1 r hI a fimna v
statement - .all With1the  ty Cle ark's I off i  a r  ar
It was particularly encoringl .II, thenthait latstmonth11
thenewy lecedErie County Cl(erk. the Hu.lownavid,
Swarts, invited rersnatvso our association to meet,
ith ohim and his Legall Deputy, Jil PMaTy. M Swats,,
reqluested the meetnin r order to fin out wilwt problens if'
Any, existd A inteCounty Clerk's Offce fromthe attorneys
sAndpoiAn t :and to offeor coopera tion in resolvi ng t hemil. Repre-
senaives of our assciatio, asidefrom Joe Berminghain
aind mysel, er hefollowing19cmmittee chairmen Chris
Fink (Comrrcial ad A  k rutcLaw) U  PJil PMcCart1h,,
who 10madeOXthe1arrangementsfor tihe -meeting, assured us that
hetr dofi r iwasj v always11 openf i (frMtorneys'questio n, although
she equsteda dy orso f noiceif the problem ws
reonite ne  h i  ightrequire Wresearch. F--or our part, we
assured Mr. Swans of our desire to  cpeate wit;,h him in any
way0 Which would aSsist him inl adminlistering his office.
Asfabawe ( know ,vno schmei has occurred since
thee frst~asa ountyClerkO's Ofcor a atMr Association.
We consider thi1aeryausicius begi,_nninig of NMr. Sas
seic aCounity Clerk.

Weineriedta Rom 1thepreviou Adinistr K1 oation'
findifng that I inherited all sortso hig  rohApeiu
adomistatin- but TheyMreSll oo d eOwemhappne
On January15, the Appelate ivisn1in. Fourh Depart
men, hldits Admiss .  ins SessiSonm at KlenhanM usic 1Hall...in
honorJt of our HCenteIal111.25 7 new wyer's were admittet
t he Blar. (Dm! onwb:dsmye b teume r - ti  a o h
etrForthDprtmen   t)e _4ppellatIeD jIvso  )on-
ferred6a1highhono r;ON u asocKiatnyarentosthe
W ar aeel  rateful01 to P resdigwuic i chael FDillon
Wd his :    a4  Jt    .1 W'h 1to1note particularly,
howeLver. That I had aimot no sharein hriniainu z this botI

S Tte tr Cocktail Party
On January  30, at the %NewYr  tt  a  soito
mei eting in Nw  okacokaiecpi on was :givenrin
honor of Presi;denlec Maran FreednmnThepatws
tusShhas  aledKasmdsusataldte As Presi
dent-ELs he Is r equIji recd toC)Ch a irthte H ouse of D elIega-itecs of
the ew YorkState Bar Asso. ciation. She has presided cooll
anfld imp    y  vrsoedffic,.ult debates. (Sheee
stubbd outher cigrte' ro t  ebcate on anti-smkn
le sltin) We can be sure that the State Bar AssoiationA
w 1  in  m  t I ~    had uig heradistton

Wom    n thCo
heimpeufr te,,,
Stat Tak ForeR
on Womn i th C
The ts o

meh  gi ie dleg     prot  io!n n,  U a t m(istinyade ny
litignts odeuirco    noftheir ant2
Our 'committee wAs ablsen epne oacn
centatueual treatmnt of women1atorneysfdoesind
1our inl Erie County, A altn o t i n amanner0asgrossassom
A of toedescribed in tTasJk Force1Report
Sensitize the bar andthe bench to)The17problemsrelated to
gendr bas.To, achieve thisoal, theComtewil()
proposestIadrs (of AcONufojudges -in rmtnggne
neutral behavior inl the professional settng; and ( i2)  iat 1as
receidequaltrematmntas a result of genderbias.
Gender bias is- rarely intentional, howeverT, if a1 patter
emerge s 1in1either the type com' 'iplaimnt, orthe detiy f
cons   QWistent1offender,1theucomm itte  ill proposeystPto1b
tan to alleviate the problem 1to our Board ofDirectors.
Gender bias inlthe legal vcomun ..ity int anld4shoul
Tn be viewead aai'4kwimn's li issethecneto
absly11uteim partialityand fai r and oJeIve '.deterinations11
by ourcort isP;theIvery cerstone ofour system of justic
reNders it - sspect.Whn That happens it is'1detrimeal toJA
Grae MrieAngeChirperson;Sherwood LK    try,
JoseUph FDe&CAierol 5mv41 Hecian1, llithe  a,  Hn
O Iive Lr C Young
If awn memberfeelsThat theyhave been te object o
gendc erhbias ;or 1.1ha: 1ve ay1houhs; o  xerec1o h
sZIuject whch they beieVe would be helpulA o te cmmi
tee,11 plae 1otatAny one14of litecmitemmes
ou UFCoAgues2 I and Tmake ach011OfQus %Aareo, f tbeha ir \whi1C1h
may result in the fact ovprcptonbylayes rlitn ts
that impartial justice was nlot rendered.A

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V   i. I   I-    N % -     1   -

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