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23 Bull. 1 (1982-1983)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0023 and id is 1 raw text is: W        ~~MonthlyPbiainohh a s~i
Vol. 23- No. 1IuflNY                                                                   e


Th e v italiyOf Our B ar Association
depends in great part on the work of our
comimittees, which have nowx been formed
for 1982-83. You will' find in this issue of the-
B-ulfletin the names of our committee chair
mien and women. They 'are eminently well
qualified to maintain and build on the
tradition of strong leadership we have
enjoyed in recent years. AN complete
cmittee membership) list will be
publi-shed soon in the Buiffalo Law Journal.
Except for the Judiciary, Grievan.tce and
Ethics Commnittees, whose mlembership is
restricted by th',e By-Laws, you are
encouiraged to Join any other Committee
on w-rhich you 14wish to participate. To dlo so,
Jumst call the comimittee chairmian, Carol'-
seal; , o e.
Some co.f last
y ealr's o ut s ta?,ndinlg
chairmien asked to
/be replaced, either
because they wish-
ed-o make wa )fr
others, or simIiply
because they h ad
mnore than paid
their dues. For able
le-adership  and
hard work in r
be h alf, we owe
thank s to the fol-
Jim lagavern   lowing retiring
comnmittee chairm'en: Petert J. BrIevorkca
(B y L4aWs)Da VIid( G. Jay (Law and
Technology), Thomas V. Hagyerty
(Insurance), TMilton Friedman (IMemorials
& Legal Biographay), Ka-ren B. Leeds
(Yo,-ung Lawyers);, RPaul C. Wecaver (Banking
Law), Jack Li Getmian (Commn ,ercial &
Bankruptcy Law), Rikchard J. Rosche
(Commrittee on Hutman Rights), nhoyJ
Coluicci(a   Day), Edwr J. O'Connor
(LaIw Offfice ManTagyement), Fran, z-klin Patck
(Puiblic Relations), Carl P. Paladino
(U n lawful Practice) , Joser ph W. Keefe
(Admiinistra-tive Law),%, William P. Bella  ,s
(Judici.ary), George T. Ganey, Jr.(rctc
and P-ro)eduLre in County Courts), WillHaia
Brennan (mnn Domain), Barbara
G u ibord (Envirolnmenlt-alLa) Peter
Smmer- (Paiten.rt Law), and Georgye R.
Gras s er (R ealI E state).
OurVonter   T Lv-ayr Program, funded

opte beforLe the end of the month. The
joint search commrittee inte-rviewed an
impressive group of atto.,rneys for Ithe
position of Administrator! 'Coor-din.-ator,
Zand on the comimittee's recom-mendation,
our Board of Directors has appointed
W ill.1im M aId ovan C to the position. Bill will1
be an emnployee-_ of the Bar Association,
responlsible to- t.he Boa-rd of Directors. He
has four ye_:ars of experience and an
admirable record as an NLS staff a-ttorne.
In his interview, he demonstrated mnaturity,
enth1usiasm, -And a very clear view of what it
will t-ake to make the progrcam successful.
You will find him .na pleasure to~c work . with.
Our Board is now in the process of
formiung an Advisory Com-)rmittee to assist
in thfe program. Dick Griffin will serve as
chairmnan, and Maryann Freedman and
Mike Gibson as memnbers of the ,ommiittee.
Also serving, on thecite  w-ill beth
chief attorneys of NLS, t Legal Aid
Buireau, and Legal Services to the Elderly].V
The first cand most important task of the
program is to en'list a large ptanel of
lwyers and identify the nature and extent
of the services they are willingz to
contribute. Lawyers w.ill be able to
participate 'in, three ways: in direct
representation of clients;- in consulting
with other lawyers; and in training anmd
education programs in relevant areas of
expertise. We hope to establish a Strong
supp osstem nfo,r lawyers acceptilng
cases uinder the programi.
The Volunteer Lawyer Program will give
us a vehicle for effectivre and mnanage_-able
service to the Public interest, matching
Lawyers with thie kind of work t;-hey are
comipetent and intere'sted 'in performiingr
and -mproviding a high quality ofA advice and
rep resentVat-iocn to people other-wise unable
t o ob tain 1-1.1e galse rvic e s It will1 al so h eIp t o
keep the priva-c-te bar ac-tively engaged in the
cau . Lise of jusice f cor all, and thereby to
contribut-te 1to-)res-pect for law  nd t the
sense ofommuityessential t o 'adecn
soit.Youa w Illb)e hearing frm s1son
We hope that0- the program will m_1ake sense
to you and will gcrain your professional1

Bar's Committee    Chairperstons IL sateu--d

Chairpersons of the    Consumer Protectio,7n, Coucrt-
v ar1tius c omi J-tt e es on the r iland R. LaVallee, Grivne
County BarAsoition      orJams1      .   Uggn      o
1982-83 are a.s Rfollows:  Placemnent, Alanr S. Car-rel; Law
Admission to the B ar,. Day, Rose H-. Sconmiers.
Bernard B. Freedmna'n: Ar-      Law OfficeMagent
r angemnienits, W ill -, imI. Sha- M i ch-a elJ Bro0wn-; Lw  cho
piro; By-Laws, Edward J. Liaison, ;MarjiorieC.Mx
O'Con)nor;- Committee on Law &  Lawyer Referral Srie
TehooyCr      . ooi;Daniel Schoen-iborn; Mvedical
Conitinu.ing Legcal Education, Jurispruidence, Sheldon
Harold J. Brand, Jr.         Hurwitz, Professional Contin-
lInsurance , James E.Kelly; ut   epniiiy      ae
1-4wr-IC  A-%- v  e, Af  ,^ -  BW -enn.-ett.

Mem ership, Peter L. Costca'
MVemniori.'als & L egaBogrphy,
Holn.Thom-as PF. Flaherty;
Young Lawyers, WlimA.
Banking Law. M Nichael
Swart; Commecia &     ank
rup'tcy Law, Mark S. Wallach;
Corporation Law, 'Robert P.
Fine, Taxat ,o-ion, Thomnas MN.
Barney; Ar-bit-ration Mynr
Commini-nit tee ,on FHumina n
Right-s, John.- J. Phelan;

Professional-,' Ethics, C.
D eFor e st C uinmmin gs, J r.;
Public  RelatHis, Infolrmation
and Educi~ation,. Leo J. F-allion;
Speakiers, Rosalie Stoll Bai.,ley;
Unlawful Practice,   enr
Berkowitz; AdministratiOve
Law and Procedur-es, Louis A.
Appellate Practice, Peter
G. Ruppar; Criminal Law,
Joseph G. Ter-rizzi, Judici-Iiary,
Barar ElenHand(s chu;'l
Neglc Ii g ence , 1Be th L. H o f fm I!an;  P

& P in City Court, Douglas S.
P&P in County Court,
RonaldlW.kZackem; P & P in
Family Coulrt &FaiyLw
GrceMaie Ainge; 1P & 1Pin
F edC,erI-a1,C ourts, '  Robert B.
Colnklin; P& P in J ustice
Courts, Donald F. McKenina, P
& P in Stcate Courts, Eugcene M.
Gcau ghan.
P & P inSrrgtesCourt,
Laurenl-ce H. Woodward;
Wolrker-s' Compensation,
Melvyn urwitz; Comiteon
EIAnent Domain Ciand 1Re'al
Property Tax. Asse smtent,
William   G. Ham-,ilItonJ r.
CommI-ittee for th-e Disabled,
Rogrer E. Stonae; Environm-,entalI
Law, Alice J. Kryzan.
Labior Law , Thomas N.
Rinaldo;' Legislation, Dennis E.,
Yward;: Patent L-,aw, Tricia T.
Semm-elhback; Public ,Interest
Law, Richiard F. Griffin; 'Real
E'-state, Peter J. Batttaglia.

tion of Erie County
tember, 1982

Paul C. Weaver Heads Lawyers'
Division for United Way Drive
Paul1 C. Wecaver, a Partner with the law firm of Jaeckle-,
Fleischlima-3n & Mugel, 700 Liberty Ba nk Building, is the Section
Chairm,,an of the United Way Attorneys' Campaign, which will be
held in Buffalo and Erie County, Septem,,ber .18 to October 28.

.IPaul C. Weaver
'As attorneys, we have a
responsibility to help our
comimunity's residents. The
United Way does so much good
fo--r so mnany people - that's
why I serve as a U~nited Way
volunteer, said Mr. Weaver.
This year, we ar e workin~g
to include all attorneys in the
The iannl  1Red Mal-ss,
sponsored by thne ThNomlas
More Gu1L il d. will]1be io)f fer ed at
J12. 10LP.M  rhursda,t
September 9, in 'St. Joseph'-1s
Ols C ath e dral  B3i s ho p
Edlward D. Head of th1ie
Catholic  iceeof Buffalio
will be princ-il celebranit..
Supreme Cour-t Justie
Administrcative Judge, 8th
Judicial 1DistrictA,'will imake
somie remiarks at the close of
the Mass. Hont. Mary Ann
Kill11e en, Admni n is t ratVE
'Judge, Faiycourt, is
Chairp--erson.- Thomas  C.
Bailey is President of die
Guild, an orgaizaio< o
C a thi;n-Iic la wye rs an c d uges.
ECLS A Meeting
T.he Erie C o untyv Lea
Secretaries Associiation will
hold its first 19812-83 dinner
mneetingat 6:00'P. M., Tuesday,
September 14, in the Sa -ssafras
Retaratin thie j Holiday Inn11,
1881 Niagara Falls Boulevatr d,
Amh'lerst, Attorney S!- ama
Mlaislin will sp)eak onvaiu
as pects of criminal l 1aw, Fo-,r
reservaidons caill Ba r bara
Ko zlowski (822-2408).
Labor Law Meeting
The Buffalo. Regiiona~l
O fficeno f thea NTatinal_ Labo 4 Nnr

contat Joh  Lo abo at849-

suburlbs and towns, as well as
those in the city. We need to
make everyone aware of the
increasinlg dem?-ands on 'United
Way tagenc.,ies. Many attorlneys
and their fam-ilies bene-fit 'froma
these services, such as those of
the health agencies, the YMCA,
YWCA, Boy and Girl Scoruts,
M-r. Weaver stressed.
The work of the Legal Aid
Bureaui.1 and Neighborhood
Leg al Services, Inc. is famlailiar
to mnost of uLs, lhe added.
Mr. Weaver began as  a
cam-paign volunteer a:bo--ut 15
years ago, and has been his
firmn's  camipa-igny chairman
several timnes. He is Chairmian
of the 'United Way's Long-
Range   PlannIing  Sub-Co m-
mnittee on Commniunication and
Personalization and serves on
a panel that allo--cates funds to
United Way health agencies.
Anyone who can assist by
telephoning contributors for a
few hours on o.-ne day is asked to
c--all him a:-t 856-06-00.
Grasmick -Attends
Joseph C. Grctamick, a
mt-ember of the. law  firm
G-1eJ llan,  Cor)h e n (anid G -r a smn ik
recen-tly served 'as prog.qI-rami
chai('1rman  and principal
speaker -?,for aone-dayseia
o n  US   Imirto       La
SpooredI by the Amer1icanl
Chamer f Commarerce inth
D omntiic a n IRe-pu10bI'ic  The
semna r, hield in Santo
Spanish ilangage an d ws
titld'1 S ,Immigora<,tion-for the
Prof-essional Cmunt'
Ciesielski is iNamed
Asst. -4-A4t~.Geea

Hilton Elected Head
Of U/B Law Alumni
'The La,-)w Alumni Associa-
t io n o f th1ie State University of
New   York at B'-uffalo ha-s
elc--,-ted  the following  new
officers for 1! :982-83.
Presiden.t -  Andjrenw  C.
Hilt on, Jr.; Vice President-
Paul C. Weaver;, Secret.ary -
Robert C. Schauls; Treasurer -
Ros-Ie IH  Sconier-s, anmd these
dirVectoirs for 3-J-yearterms
Thomas C. Bailey, Jamnes P.
B rack;.en III, Ro bert W. Keller,
Richar;d P. MIaigret, JaniAce1M.
Ross, William F. Savnio and
Jamres R. Wlalshi.

Buffalo, N.Y.
Permit No. 416

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