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11 Bull. 1 (1970-1971)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0011 and id is 1 raw text is: Mont-hly Publication Of The 2Bar Association, Of Erie-- Co unt

V Ol-NO. 31



Obsernceof C istitutHon Pa
CostttinDaWill beobsrve onSpembr qK v  2 i  4 t a1cere-
tieo111 nivciry  A MWuffalo114awReAv w  Phe cmnyalwo'will Qcorn-
riemorate the R,25t7 h  1annvesaryQoflte Law Revew,
Theanit:! very v ofv thie nAmiien
tember ev17,Obut becauseit o,If 1other
althe Rendez1 vous1 oom( nti
Thecermon wll Wbeg it 4:30MO
p  vin wih n1 ddes 1o Th
Prof W. HowardtMannprof esso
Law  AdJuriAsprudAen1ce, S1tla ggy1151
ProfAMn's1address v-1Will e pe-
sentedimmeitelyoafe tetLk
by apnlnitngt!ofAtony
editor of thlRevew hisyearv
Prof7Mann cnt1iined hiS in-
teetand study 'of Constitional
Law soon after g-rauain fro
the Universityoaf IOwa, He smrved
for 0am ime shltawclrkyo5for1mrPo.Mn
Supreme   Cur Justice  arl
Burtn anlate1 cOcnI tadon W ;estr] e  ok
Courtvesy hos o ctis an    Wllam   . epae BA ssocia-
thKe Niagaa-'otier Bnk   f Dy
Jnit ed Fund Seeks Your Hielp;k
$19659 IsGoal for Lawyer
capedboy. .An ely wo AA man . . a:IttlN grlfromia brokea1 nvm..
a rnaay adfrom the ghetto ,.
You-hep0trough ilyour dollars will Aid not only these butcotls
United Fund agencies serve not jJmsFx  oadMrit      ih
oniyv the cimpovrised0 nd1lpcad   Slivn    iniam  TeMpest,

yea aoI  wenhelealtA.0140fiIl oeon  *
Attorney John-G' PutamJr.Fo
Bar Associainltreasurer, is-vicehive           en
chairman1111of the .professional.divi-
poitit     p  tometistssee-falos LawReAvw, both gaduatin
tin,                eiosof the St10Ate Universit
Kick-ff fo the und drive wasofBfaoLwShlerte
Augustn 12.ol Mr PuTnam rnSa 1Y S hefJo1nt1wininrsf 1the CSalosGC
hopes toD havehis sectin over teAdnAadfr17
to by nctber1,8. Th 1e drzivwe closen h aadisa  ngravgol
Ocoer1             pnprsned annally  bynthVe
MrPuTnlamisin he 12tllh yeary BaritAssO!iatio  oEieCont
oUntdFund volurnteerservice.to te senior student making te
LinAws eTonhinisA-getscorbuonothLa
worke1sine 19is59. A&ssIoiAT e-  The1970 wi nen;sare Ant11hony
tio narman bisnMr. fPhyll0istHB. Tol,0246 BryantR St, view
W1 ittE Br Assucaivoll eXecutive edto-inc :f .1cd Edwin1H
seC:cetary.WoI                  162RedOak DV.,1Willias-
AssciteSecio Cairena :vili, Revew  anagng d itor.
Fale, eogeWallch, John QC  :In necomi nding thlelnr ns,
GodnGnoJr .CharlesTFred.- ofa law reviewv w  h1 ha1d n t
enckHanic~onJon .Caal  benditigushin thl1 e ipast
WaneDW&iaum ,   allcJ fwyer  iadtun. edt noa

goME sm as  ANEWmeow
GIVE    Wril i ED
I .

firs-aepbmaino             ic
ca yb prud.  a  slms  11
wor vle 1th  fculty to consider
their SachievmATe11ntsasa Jointen-
In  addtion   Mr1Wof wa
contributdis 1to the La  Scoo
This y; ear's gfra duat ing cl42ass5
wasan  xcetioallagod Class
and Messrs. 'ToAllan1 olwr
twoofit laing mem ab er,
Any Car will last a man a life
time111if he's careless enough,

President's Leffer
Moves Bar Into
Some New Areas
It as ee anactvean-d ex-
citin summr forofficrs ad di
Many  ew cmmitees  ave
beenorgaizedandTre orking.
Oterirgrm  reIn the sudy
stag an thre illbe  ion it
sevra aeastomet the chal-
thee yarsof nret nd, change
obligtionanduty o participate
in ny ew ace ofCommaunit3
life~~_ In teseeve aninges.
hasbee i th pSt and will
the ega proesson I metinI
the~ ~  ~~    1  ofa'n's ftedy
Couny Ba forits Astleder-
shipandto ponorsip fPro-0
and of lawyers
Effrt Ae ecgnze
The complimeTs.wre pon
all~~~~~~ ofu amfeigelion
in~~~ ~~ fatbeas orefotur
being recognize
Such t_ prie-sinprngMooMn
now ~ ~~PPit toavneit  e  ields.
the cmnmothebt ourg tj)a
givs a oraniatin lfeand en-
ergyto eist o enbleI toprovide
for evn oretracmlsmns

of J Oeph Brwsti. Theyha,v
beenitmeeing alnd1thney are be-
avinty for The improvement of
thi asivainanditroras
Undoutedlymy of you will
bhearing from this roup on one
of itsproposed progrmns. Please
helpwith111your fuall suppor01t anbid
The Cmmi-10te  n  a  frthe
People OWihaeGeorge Zimmer-
mann a chaimn and we expect
many11imotant aand innovati  *.ve
program1noS To aemi nate7 from  thlis
exciting new colmmitee,
The Emergency DefenIse Coun
sel Committee under; lteChair-
rnashp o  Jsep  PRunif oIa,
ming  AnVd orng all 1 summer111
rhis ~ ~   ~    W Comte  o  neperi-
menta bASi, as enresponlsible
f or vu Tin iar:io   addata
re 1 nts o an emrgen!cybasis for,
defendantS Chargedith c11 rimes
befomrefriends or famniy(of alid
accusi e d !ha ve been abl e to()con-
tat their own attorney.
sul i  aothr  re   of public
through itinmembers Inl providing
meaningful xserJvice ,,to'that a rea
ofthe publicv too often fot tc-n
-thai ttis the nnidgnnon-
wlthy, o rdinary citizens.
Nedfor Volunteers
Ritn ow thee isa -ned for
aidditional vo]tlnteers, to support
the prsent nd prpose-d work of
thle EMergencyoDefense Coun1sel
Cof7  edo     ag   he

Ideas on Tria TV Series Wins Gavel Awa rd


ABA Presentatilon to Stati'N WED
Cites Aid to Public Understann

We rehglltdtAnth TV ,series hIdealnril     o h
At aI conllfearenCe  ihWlmLvtchairman11.1POf tePub ic
InWformation) Committee ofthle Bair
Asocatonof Erie County, Mrif t Uenoldn
Co01inssmid the WED Staff iP ayBrAsoito         ebr
grateful forthexaistanmce ud-apardi tevriu     rorm
ance provided biy the7c.Erie BarWel  iig   ea rra7nedmat
m---embers duringthe stmaing fthV ofeece1fWNDan.a
17 Ides onmTiAo!topi1 jcs  nAsoitonrpeenaieshae
Channel17.                  by Vice PresdidetPiipHMg
We a re gratful, ItofmtOfthener, Jr., thn7chairman ofPub-
fortus,' coinuyed AMrCollin. said John 1D Hutchinson, WNHD
Beondbeng  uiqu  wy dretor of programming, At the
portantpublic Issues, I beliee hetraeda ewforlmsudy1and
series did much nto ractullydemon- disecton1o1pulicIsseC o h
strae te rueorins of the WNi reD uience
loa aWsoito       n     ocalthat our pioneering In this field
televsion static o oStAin: WA0om- 1brnu11,0t11n0W Insht anwdud'r
The final rogram of heIIdeasaudience.
Caimpus fProtestsOut of1 H 1 Ad.fArticlesofNprogrmsoti
T1he prralm 1had Mr Levi:tt pre- buting  T - ub l undestndingC of3
sid 11 ing as1judge: , vwith1DAn1 WAvi 1 teAena-  seif a  n
h13. Lawlessof tA eInor11:Dame
CourtJustie her as wtnessfor1Te NiaaraoFlls Gzete e
ttrney Daniel T. 1Roach1fOr thecevdaitiofraresf
poscuio  ndDrmLsle  soesaboutloc1 ?Al1courts there
Fiedler of te StauniMy-verio  n  edfr uiilrfr
BUff&aloEnglisxh QLterature)t-  Atith1969NeYrkStteBa
partentas itnss1or defnsetAo11w1Cionmetin  WEDre
attorney Herald0PFahringer. wceie  20pieadctto
pam Tapeho tiswl (QW?_  1 prga  a  o h  IdaoJ raporm
viewed bythe ABA Awardst Coin-; d
tesrearbenreuothehe           The fir t or 51  f the 1970-71 sre
EastrnllEduc~lAtina l vetork ofNooda L ctue  ilbf
-----ber 23 Meetins Chairman Ab-
Silent Movie Class'ics        ra  u   AhsslceV    oi

and  t  y, Sept. 26, Chri suec beoetePaiin
ChaliniTeCrua12pr- L   Isiueth Nw  ok

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