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9 Bull. 1 (1968-1969)

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4l'eNe YVSa As
f PriM Law r v 11 ~
eriinar Dr Au r I
t   Sa     HI    Hotel or
ay EYtob r 12
Jame V. lUll          e H
bann a ntcd a I e d t
er crofWete iN Y I.
n 1 4 r 4th ax

Le ro arwi r t
turesirt r r r s'
irg with a igen aid r
' tat on law, arias and
labiy pleadrg j
statut   1 1 mit ti  , Or
evde    adur   I
An out aid g anti ii

en Will J Flynn. Jr s lectin
t cor ftt m xc ,threfr
y u r exoe Idhoc> trrbutey ur
kill ii riaka ate i ttee an
eff ive part of I A orn~'ton
I ye are r saIl tied vull' your
cwimittee a s gr e it rind fed ttat
you aneentr it mie ybe
a mem e eta di feint e imitle
corta t Par A iaton it e
d r qu I a r assigime t Y
Id ix aPe cv ry effort to attend
lie i ~et called by your cc -
mtte t airman,
P e Chairman if the C i ritl
t Imo ierh I' K r er Reprt
Alexand r exit ha. r I ev2,rv
tine wti Mayo SeditaaidC ii-
g1 Jj~y/ta 1''~ work ~t ax
aria g ent etwees the Par A -
so atio r and the City of Putfa o
wh eby the Pa Assoc' tier car
c operat with the City n ea >e (f
e ldrerde Theprte rot civil
d rder i only ore of the mary
a'ca x it coy red b '
r the to lap riert ft K r
Rep it
Aides Sought For Work
ii  e    rlteawrlt    ix   lvi
Ii I e 'rica of a aila rilty of it at
ser ee to ui pit 'tiereu
en i ii '1' o' 1 w aw en
I cc<ri h elbr' inalie I ml di -
erirrina r aid six y ether hid
A ry me 'r h r wh wisi' to work
iar fed svlvd'iiiipliYst
a theKerriKPoIi asiredle
~ I C r Ce d arM offer Ii is
Ir r e
P       all ne  fyu     ar    ry
dat     ' p     r 1      1     il
rd       si   lato  e  orrnem
b . Y or ofte is and directors
eanain I wikwtltlieinii
al oirrihii ats
Ve trlyyus
Pr sideat

axExpert to Address

w d n un tx  frn  f  lreeh
the Po  A  oif n  fEl Gu
ty~~ ~ ~~ nWensaSpeber  a
1 00 m. n Pat X f Surm

r    niati'on by Sections
ilrst Taskofdiii
t v e  %c*,10  (  p  ,oti'  cee  l mcrc  igaces'  ere

Sc c a sero e it
lilt S area Orgasizatiex was appi v d a yea ago b Ba A c
ne a d ccc r it af r e seasir studies by r officers a I Erect err

Se retary Phyllis H Wittek ha
been put 'ate peration 'aid John
P Ssiyth.
'We eie tte en gr upiag
vi Ia ii hate c si tee admisis-
I t'e a as ii a ercatia speed er
inte r hange of i t r nation b twe a
cc ' a sd on iittee
You alit dy ha e e uivd no
it e or c inmittee xsexiiuernxiip a' 'I
igaincat ard with the end f
v at' in tte Par A sociaton
I Id b read to give active con-
sideration he the r u nerous prob-
e r ttat c at oat the pr fession
Urges Civic Attention

attendance a in etiags of riunici-
pal and neighborheot orga tint
Other plans ut c ted by M
S ythe ir luded:
Incren ed eper t'os v i h tIe
fede'ai Ode f F i'orri' Opp r-
I nihy for 1 gal a a cc I the
in sd r - priv' eged areas, gir a
oluatarily ard v ithout I by the
asseciati r
Is est at a of Ite 00 bility 1
all wisg hh i'd year 1 w lode at I
v k'at clew tout ads -
riionofthelaw holardth
ba as ci ties,
C KU hni nt of n'h cnn uniT' n
The four c ban as organized the a so 'atien I in ore that law

a Par Ac Ii itics 18 comm theos' yers sara at le 1 as mud as killed
Co poration Banking and Business esaftamen. The fox et on I th
Lay, 6 e inmittees, Professional bureau, Mr Smythe said, would be
ard Poblie Relations 15 ommittees to offer ad ise to lega off ec man-
and Courts and Compensation, ~ agesrent ard to I lp a cstabllshisg
cosmmitteet                      pastoarship of la~ ~
N'ae of the present cormmittees       New Officers Seated
till have individual status, but William J. Flyx a Jr 1 141 Aud
probably will be assigned to future ubon Dr Snyde, was elected s-
sections as revisions become neces- sociation vice president and w~ll na-
sa ~'                           tomatically assuixe the presideney
At the annual meeting on Juno next ear
14 President Smythe outlined a pol-
Other uf'cers elected v ~
Icy prog am that calls for greater Treasurer M Robert Korea, diree-
involvement by the Bar Association hors, Antlony J DeMar e James T.
In community affairs that includes Duggan W'lliam J. Fitihenry Jr.
giving attention to the recoma' en-
dations of the President's Commis- Hubert J. Holler.
sion on Civil Disorders.           Out-going president Wi ham  B
H proposed that tha Association Mahoney prewated plaques to the
following out going officers,
should work to insure that any- Treasurer Dean C Stathacos; di-
body involved in a disorder is given rectors, George R Blair, Frark N
full protection of his civil rights, Cuomo, John T. Frizzell, Burton B
be he the arrested or the police Sarles.
Rights to be Protected
He said this would Involve a - Mr. Sinythe presented Ms. Ma-
elation members g tioned honey a plaque and gavel, a very
the police station in the u s dur- sin all symbol of the work you have
~   ~.           , done for this organization.
a  ii    '.  V  '. .niiiytnr

rig   te   wte.         th
Frhrhe nioted, t he fa ssocia t ion
Is willin  twrwih ayagen
cy Ithecmmniy to peetdis-
orders.  ii r
diodr  he Boardof Directors at
agJa e          I)erauthorized. M.
S  T    a  intaonml    ret
rate   ivicofcas
A       I     under the chair-
muanship -,of Attorney Alexander (C.
Cores hs ee n appointe-d. t e
gan  fuctoin ca nc'A/with sv-

At     y  XV i       . Lytle
vi e ~ e it rt 1 hI New York
Sta Pa A so a irs tas ben
na d e air mi' I tIc new State
F r Se for on iso 1 as I Pstate

k aWl xv' M T.vtlc in C
w et s wil be Atom Ed-
v   4 P   M   1t ,     o I     tea
etd a s t he ectier
xc uti o ~ itt  repic ext ig
c E'gttt J di'a D lit
M' Muilyh' ben bar an
ollrtctoaC B lomara
Ce Vt Ii cc ard Po
d e r Sorrega c s Ceor for
Ii past I y' I i ne o
tre ii ci tie P r Asec' i r
a's it C
Orca i atie e Ito iew Pr st
asdlblatelawSeci wh'hwil
Ia c so r 1 lund d memb s is
in p o ic Mr. Lyti said One of
I relisima y I p will be the
in ti 1 reetiag f the Executive
C itte is New Ye k City. prob-

Iiidual taxpyewhshr
fledestiatedtax eelrati o
19and adte'ss woisal
meatsaTeIequed tcpofevise teir
estimes torfech new ax
tschre aviesJon  Ifle
Seice fm Buffalo    ofth

hid of Pod e abi y
K r~odaxdant al k x
Iodu bityri viA
fredJu r t 1 1w'
'Il'(aftrno<in c' ida
a trial d io ta r
it           t   ti
qu t~r xtt~I
th field (f Produ 1 1 ill
Wilia i C a ha id PhI
Mager, 1 lb a' g I
Itonev d r t e ha

t atie
Moderat r to t ~
bet asliR B rw 0' rime
er f the Pard (2,
tteNewYoikSht A hr
'Irial Lawyer
TI' ir~rn I ii I

'rte h 7/i art d
ake a I e it
vhh undam hal ft
fildefProd 'I' Iibb I
it  Cs  1  5  ii
law aft bjetadh r
aiquc r mdi t d
s t at
Th   wi    cai~         r
I riS3f am it 471
ith      e         Rn
Slahi r Ii N imi
w'i eab' oft e
villbe   el ste    C       ii'

F   -'     iwy        0      1-
fain were 'a' ig hI' ela I
18 andidac adrite hi p
tice of lay the Supreste C. it
Appellate Div lox, I/co h Pc a
mes 1, in Reehe she a Jor 26
TheP faolawyr xc
John T Agat '82 P1mw '0 A e.
Kevin J Pr akworth 90
Utica St
Charles S Sparer 92 LaS'le
Brian J. 'I roy 174 Ke iville Rd.
Ms. Phyl H Witek I/xe
County Bar Assoc ahi a execut'v
secretary, ard Attorney A bert K.
Hill of Buffalo were among tIe
wI' ~ nddre'sed thi ei'ndi
dates at a luncheon and o icatatien
program in Rochester. Luncheon
hosts were the Bar Associa ion of
Erie, Monroe and Onondaga Coun-
The Okiatoma Association
board of gore ness has approved
recommendations for a fair trial-
free press agreement between tIe
bar and news media in the state
A committee of three lawyers and
three new&nen had worked en the
guidelines for three years

IState Bar HonorsI News., R eport er

tite summer meetin :of theNew-
Yor-.k State Bar   latlonm AlIn Lak
Placid in early Jualy.
An harn  blekmention plaque aInd
M)pr zwent tonMr0'Grdyan
The Nf-,s fraRie     fArtce
het wr   a  utthnew    tt   e
Mr. Ni   O'Grady haswbeen a
reporer for The N-s30yas
thle last 122 years f hihhabe
.0 AYo simlanawrdforl'anseries 1of
Stories onathe1ae l sub w1,ject1w:as

the, Syruse HerINaldJnal
Emett 1:N (O1Brien chef o5th
A 1l  bure hau ofhe a nnettIsyi
Sun, publisheoto  N amCoun'
ty, weeke, F each r1,  ewired $25m 0,
prizes and paqueIs from thestatem
IN M.OYBie n awrote
tern MrLurenw     oteal
miirationawof justice.


t )i
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as r
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('icC C r iii

,oonday Bar Meeting
New Tax Estimates


Must be Filled




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Erl',2    CoQl'lf'VA,   f, 3,,              c I a

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