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4 Bull. 1 (1963-1964)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0004 and id is 1 raw text is: Aon
Mo0n t h Il Public aIo n Of Th e Bar Association
Leter Fromds For
The resident

Dear Member:
Do you think that aBar As
sociation ought to be effective ~
do. I feel that a local Bar Associa-
ionr ought to be a vital force in is
I have told you betore and I'll
say it gain. You have thoughts
and ideas, soae of wh ich if put irto
efftet, ean be of imm ense benefit
We Fave aked or Judiciary
Commrittee to correoupwith recoin
menrded giound rules for 11 Judicial
We are studyin , with other loca
Bar Associations, means of chang-
rg thre present systemr of selectionr
anid election of udges.
We rope to revise our By Laws
and our Comrrittee will be~ work
rng hard on it during thecoaming
rmonths. The objective will be to
change certain procedures that exist
with respec perhaps to the griev-
ance procedures. They shall eon-
sider changes in our method of
rating Judicial eandidates They will
study the advisability of changes in
or piesent m antner of selecting and
electing directors and officers of
tour Association and the circum-
sances and timing of our annual
r etmrg.
nI isi onl ya fractior of bat
wehope    ovwork onr You cn
hlp I protli ycu tris If you
w   wr en in  ny of youieas r
yor thouglusv  Frespu tow nht
unbe one to ya the Fi C on-
tv Br Assuanon iacose intint
effu mand rsneedo oratrn
yor itmmmend tions nd you i
(Conmed on PgeS8)

Br      s ou n of Erie
CT     ts pAnti tug nr bi
?rd  he AF  toJ Inignit Petsous
(o iunnvrte r aded by chairmin
John Condo won i nan hoFnors
For Fhe ioodinated assigned coon-
Ie syster of Erie County at ire

Amerecan Bai Amo
10onin Chrcago in
)ast smmer d

Augus of this

Atitttepmeet agkotcthd by tha
ConfeenS   ofAr                uniqenesdentheplahenlth
oA u                      mentvofInpuhaneeAseoaaAs
ton wafwLiardedthehHrrHOW
Twee  /wu                   adopthepantondicngssomn
hesati  ren e for itembe s
xiniqe  e  ofite tobpn ebs
prm th p   w ItSost s compara-
mv ly luranc, bfh t' Aoria-
adpe  h  of    ms    n
ingly high
It incude major medieal coyer-
age  deovir dkpndents who are
in school up to age 23 The insur-
ance wil be offered by the Con-
necticut General Life Insurane
Company. The agerns are Ahrens
andN Nylor, 836 Ellieott Sq Bldg.
41 w~+~ A'~r~'-~The plan will be availble frw al
memnbers or the   r Association
and their employees. No medical
*                  exarrinaton or medical history is
(Continued on Page 5)
Coming Events
1M19-CPLR Course - Bunao
Athletic Club.
19-BCL Course-Buffal oAthletic
on  i    ca o           Club.
A  th  r etiig  f h  naionl26-Trial Lawyers As oc Semin ar
on Trial Preaces B iuffJo
Atktc f  u
ot Ago  1, 1)3, te Aso   - judi ial C ndidat sLuncheon,
io rw sax rded he  arrson Hotel Lafayette-12 15P M.
American Bar Associationand the 14115-16- ABA Great Lakes Re-

<Ccntinred on Pat-e 4)

gional Meeting in (1evehad
15-16-Uniform Commercial Code.
Buffalo Arb letie Cli

SEPT., 1968

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