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27 Prac. Law. 1 (1981)

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JANUARY 15, 1981


The Practical Lawyer Paul A. Wolkin, Editor;
Meyer Kramer, Associate Editor; Robert W.
O'Leary, Production and Design; Waiter A.
McLaughlin, Circulation Manager; J. Stuart Torrey,
Advertising Director; Ingrid Kaulens, Editorial
Associate; Catherine Lemp, Editorial Assistant
Editorial Board Henry J. Bailey Il, Michael H.
Cardozo, John J. Cleary, Earl Colson, Marvin Gar-
finkel, Lawrence J. Lee, Marcus Manoff, J. Douglas
Peters, Donald E. Schwartz, Walter J. Taggart, and
Mervin M. Wilt
The American Law Institute-American Bar
Association Committee on Continuing Pro-
fessional Education R. Ammi Cutter, Chairman;
David R. Brink, Vice-Chairman; T. L. Caudle 1II, A.
G. Cleveland, Jr., Haskell Cohn, Norris Darrell
(honorary), Robert K. Emerson, Thomas H. Gonser,
Mendes Hershman, Theodore A. Kolb, A. Leo
Levin, Carl McGowan, Robert P. Patterson, Jr.,
Roswell B. Perkins, Millard H. Ruud, Sherwin P.
Simmons, Wm. Reece Smith, Eugene C. Thomas,
Herbert Wechsler, and Karl C. Williams. Paul A.
Wolkin, Executive Director
The Practical Lawyer (USPS 603-800) is pub-
lished eight times a year by The American Law Insti-
tute-American Bar Association Committee on Con-
tinuing Professional Education. Publication office:
4025 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Edi-
torial -  (215) 243-1628; circulation -  (215)
243-1640. Publication dates: January 15, March 1,
April 15, June 1, July 15, September 1, October
15, and December 1. Subscription rate: $18 a year.
A single issue is $3.75. Second class postage paid
at Philadelphia, Pa., and additional post office. Send
form 3579 and any other communication to the
publication office. Copyright @ 1981 by The
American Law Institute.
The object of this magazine is to publish advice for
lawyers. The views and conclusions expressed in ar-
ticles are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of the Editorial Staff, the Editorial Board, or
the sponsors of The Practical Lawyer.

4 The Law of the Lawyer
7 Programs, Publications,
and Playbacks
12 ALI-ABA CLE Calendar
48 A Self-Assessment
86 The Grammatical Lawyer

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