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2 Pub. Sec. Stud. 198 (2013)
Psychosocial Intergroup vs. Obedience System: Map of Organisational Conflict

handle is hein.journals/pseuiesp2 and id is 750 raw text is: Studii de Securitate Publicfi, Volumul II, numfirul 3 (7) / 2013
Public Security Studies, Volume II, issue 3 (7) / 2013
Nicolae RADU*
Dan Stratulat RUGINA*
The conflict is individual, face to face, the more will be expressed
more emotional. But who's who in conflict? Conflict is an important part of
human life as being always present among people, either individually or in
groups, that would be hard to imagine a person who has never been involved
in a conflict. Some are small, small, not affecting adversely the work, but
others can be more serious, damaging morale and cooperative attitude in the
work environment. At any level installs conflict between people in all
situations and at any stage is expressed specifically involving human
emotions and feelings.
Keywords:       aggression,      emotion,     prevention,     unstructured
communication, misunderstanding message.
Cine cu cine intr. in conflict?
Rdspunsul nostru poate cd intdrzie sd apard. Nu din lipsd de modestie sau din
* Comisar-*ef prof univ. dr. Nicolae RADU este *ef Birou Relatii Publice *i Cooperare Interuniversitard
in cadrul Academiei de Politie Alexandru loan Cuza *i indepline~te *i atributfiile purtdtorului de cuvfnt;
este absolvent al Academiei Nationale de Informatii si al Facultlitii de Istorie, Universitatea Hyperion;
detine douA doctorate, unul in psihologie §i unul in filologie; in anul 2007 a absolvit Colegiul National de
Ap~rare; a ocupat diverse functii in sistemul de sigurantd national, precum §ef Centru Expertizd
PsihologicA in cadrul SPP; consilier secretar de stat MAI; consilier CSAT, Administratia Prezidentialt. A
desfa§urat §i desfaoarA activitdti didactice, in calitate de profesor invitat, la mai multe universitAti din tard.
Email: radovany@yahoo.com.
* Asistent univ.drd. Dan Stratulat RUGINA este cercetktor §tiintific asociat §i doctorand al Academiei
Romdne, Institutul de filosofie *i psihologie Constantin Rddulescu Motru; detine o largii experientd in
domeniile psihologiei aplicate, construind strategii viabile de integrare a strdinilor in societatea
romdneascd, respectiv a imigrantilor aflati pe teritoriul Romdniei; stabile~te *i mentine legdtura cu
UNHCR, OIM, MAE, cu atributii in domeniul relocdrii refugiatilor. Desfa~oarA activitAti didactice, in
calitate de asistent invitat, ]a mai multe universitti din tarna. Email: refugee.ro@gmail.com.

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