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30 Santa Clara L. Rev. 951 (1990)
Employment Discrimination against Overweight Individuals: Should Obesity be a Protected Classification

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Consider that you have just completed an employment
related' interview. Your qualifications are equal to, or better
than, any other applicant. The only difference between you
and the other candidates is that you are obese.' What are
your chances of obtaining this job? What should they be?3
There are three viewpoints from which to analyze the
protection of obese individuals from employment related
discrimination. The first category includes those individuals
who are handicapped or disabled because they are obese and
they also have a related medical condition.4 Much of the
litigation surrounding discrimination based on obesity at-
tempts to classify obesity as a handicap. These litigants gener-
ally bring suit under federal or state laws that protect handi-
capped or disabled individuals from employment discrimina-
tion based on the handicap. Since most of these obese per-
sons had a medical condition related to their obesity, they
fell within a handicap statute more easily than if they had
not suffered from a related medical condition.
The second viewpoint considers those individuals who do
not have a related medical condition but claim that they are
handicapped on the basis of their obesity alone.5 These indi-
© 1990 Donald L. Bierman, Jr.
1. For purposes of this comment, employment related includes interviews
or consideration for new employment, promotion or transfer.
2. See infra notes 32-48 and accompanying text.
3. Discrimination based on obesity is regularly becoming more publicized
and being brought before the general public. This was evidenced by tile fact that
it was the subject of an episode of LA Law. LA Law: Beauty and Obese (NBC
television broadcast, Feb. 11, 1988) (Production number 5K13).
4. See infra notes 71-80 and accompanying text.
5. See infra notes 81-104 and accompanying text.

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