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3 Int'l Crim. L. Rev. 293 (2003)
Table of Contents

handle is hein.journals/intcrimlrb3 and id is 299 raw text is: International Criminal Law Review
CONTENTS Volume 3, No. 4 2003
Aly Mokhtar - The fine art of arm-twisting: The US, Resolution 1422
and Security Council deferral power under the Rome Statute   295-344
Sam Garkawe - Victims and the International Criminal Court: Three
major issues                                                 345-367
Louise Symons - The inherent powers of the ICTY and ICTR       369-404
Roman Boed - Current developments in the jurisprudence of the In-
ternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Judgment of a Trial
Chamber in the case of The Prosecutor v. Laurent Semanza     405-413
Book Reviews
International Justice and the International Criminal Court - Between
Sovereignty and the Rule of Law, by Bruce Broomhall (Ed.) (GUIPN-
Judging Criminal Leaders - The Slow Erosion of Impunity, by Yves
Beigbeder (Ed.) (GUItNARL METITRAUX)                         415-419

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