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52 Jurist 299 (1992)
Local Church and Catholicity in the Constitution Pastor Bonus

handle is hein.journals/juristcu52 and id is 305 raw text is: THE JUIST 52 (1992) 299-334

The Roman curia has a marked impact on the life of the local
churches and on the understanding of catholicity.' The curia influences
* Professor of Canon Law, The Catholic University of America. -
The most valuable study of the Roman curia remains Niccolo del Re, La Curia
Romana, Lineamenti Storico-Giuridici, 3rd rev. ed. (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Let-
teratura, 1970).
Concerning the reform of the curia, see Antonio Acerbi, L'ecclesiologia sottesa alle
istituzioni ecclesiali postconciliari, Cristianesimo nella storia 2 (1981) 203-221; Gre-
gorio Delgado, La Curia Romana: El gobierno central de la Iglesia (Pamplona:
EUNSA, 1973); Eugene J. Fitzsimmons, Competence of the Sacred Congregations in
the Reform of Pope Paul VI (Rome: JCD dissertation, Pontificia UniversitA Lateranense,
1971); Ignatius Gordon, De Curia Romana Renovata: Renovatio 'desiderata' et ren-
ovatio 'facta' conferuntur, Periodica 58 (1969) 59-116; Josd Luis Gutierrez, La curia
romana ante la nueva codificacion, lus Canonicum 23 (1983) 527-546; Peter Huizing
and Knut Waif, eds., The Roman Curia and the Communion of Churches, Concilium
127 (New York: Seabury, 1979); Giovanni Pinna, I1 Regolamento Generale della Curia
Romana, Monitor Ecclesiasticus 93 (1968) 272-278; idem, Const. Ap. 'Regimini
Ecclesiae Universae' praesentatur et illustratur, Apollinaris 43 (1970) 45-57; James H.
Provost, The Hierarchical Constitution of the Church, in The Code of Canon Law: A
Text and Commentary, ed. James A. Coriden et al. (New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist,
1985) 292-300; idem, Reform of the Roman Curia, in Synod 1985-An Evaluation,
ed. Giuseppe Alberigo and James Provost, Concilium 188 (Edinburgh: T & T Clark,
1986) 26-36; Juan Sanchez y Sanchez, Pablo VI y la Reforma de la Curia Romana,
Revista Espafiola de Derecho Canonico 22 (1966) 461-478, 23 (1967) 85-107; idem,
La Curia Romana hasta Pablo VI: Las grandes lineas de su evolucion historica,
Revista Espafiola de Derecho Canonico 32 (1976) 439-458; idem, La Constitution
Apostolique 'Regimini Ecclesiae Universae' six ans apr~s, Annie Canonique 20
(1976) 33-66; Winfried Schulz, Le Code de droit canonique et la r6forme des organes
administratifs centraux, in Le Nouveau Code de Droit Canonique. Actes du VW Congr&s
International de Droit Canonique, ed. Michel Th6riault and Jean Thorn (Ottawa: Fac-
ulty of Canon Law, 1986) 443-456; Josd Antonio Souto, La Reforma de la Curia
Romana, lus Canonicum 8 (1968) 547-565; Giancarlo Zizola, The Reformed Roman
Curia, in We, The People of God... : A Study of Constitutional Government for the
Church, ed. James A. Coriden (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1968) 49-77.

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