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3 Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974 [i] (2015)

handle is hein.usfed/ovprivact0003 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                          2015 Edition


         The Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974, prepared by the
Department of Justice's Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties (OPCL), is a
discussion of the Privacy Act's disclosure prohibition, its access and
amendment  provisions, and its agency recordkeeping requirements.
Tracking the provisions of the Act itself, the Overview provides reference to
and legal analysis of court decisions interpreting the Act's provisions. The
Overview is not intended to provide policy guidance, as that role statutorily
rests with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 5 U.S.C. § 552a(v).
However, where OMB   has issued policy guidance on particular provisions of
the Act, citation to such guidance is provided in the Overview. The 2015
edition of the Overview was issued electronically and sent for publication in
July 2015 and includes cases through May 2014. The Overview is scheduled
to be revised again in 2016.

         OPCL  is very pleased to provide this updated revision of the
Overview, and could not have done so without the commitment of OPCL's
dedicated staff. OPCL would particularly like to recognize: the written and
editorial contributions of OPCL Senior Counsel Alex Wood, who carefully
shepherded the publication of this edition from beginning to end; the written
and editorial assistance of its volunteer interns Yasmin Emrani, Meryl
Kanofsky, Kaiya Lyons, Craig Wesoly, Hannah Mayer, Danielle Prongay, and
Kelly Singleton; the management of the publication process by its program
specialist Pamela A. Moye; and last, but certainly not least, the invaluable
written and editorial contributions of its former Director, Joo Y. Chung, who
led this edition to completion before her departure from the Department of
Justice. This 2015 edition of the Overview is specifically dedicated to her.
Without the valuable assistance of these individuals, the completion of this
endeavor would not have been possible.

                                   Kristi Lane Scott
                                   Acting Director
                                   Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties

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