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1 Ann Louise Strong, Open Space for Urban America i (1965)

handle is hein.usfed/osfua0001 and id is 1 raw text is: OPEN SPACE FOR

The Housing and Home Finance Agency, includ-
ng its constituents, was superseded by the Depart-
nent of Housing and Urban Development, created
>y Public Law 89- 174 and signed into law by Presi-
lent Johnson on September 9, 1965. Since this
>ublication was ready for printing when the Act
-as passed, the change has not been made in the
ext. References to the HHFA and its constituents,
herefore, should be read in this context.

Prepared by
Ann Louise Strong
for the
Urban Renewal Administration
Department of Housing and Urban Development *
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20410           1965

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