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1974-3 C.B. i (1974)

handle is hein.usfed/ircb0114 and id is 1 raw text is: In This Issue
Statement of Principals of Internal Revenue Tax Administration .......... .ii
Introduction .................................................. iii
Table of Contents ............................................. v
1954 Code Sections Amended by Public Law 93-406 .................... xx
Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2) ....................................... 1
House Report No. 93-298 ........................................ 207
House Report No. 93-533 ................................... . .... 210
House Report No. 93-779 ........................................ 244
Conference Report No. 93-1280  ................................ 415
Index  .... ........................  ............  ......... 549

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Price: Cloth Cover-$10.25; Stock No. 048-004-00799-1; Catalog No. T22.25:974-3

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