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1939-2 C.B. i (1939)

handle is hein.usfed/ircb0042 and id is 1 raw text is: SPECIAL ATTENTION is directed to the cautionary notice on this page that pub-
lished rulings of the Bureau do not have the force and effect
of Treasury Decisions and that they are applicable only to facts presented in the published case
Treasury Department               :   :    :    :    :    Bureau of Internal Revenue
Internal Revenue Bulletin
Cumulative Bulletin 1939-2
Introductory Notes     ...        ............. .II
Contents .....             ................. ...                         V-VII
Rulings Nos. 9897-10126-
Board of Tax Appeals ..         ........... ...                        1-73
Income Tax-
Part I (A. Internal Revenue Code and 1939 Act;
B, 1938 Act) ...        .....         ......                 75-174
Part H   (1937 and 1936 Acts).        .......                  175-192
Part I1 (1935 and 1934 or Prior Acts) .         ...            193-250
Employment Taxes.              ............                         251-324
Miscellaneous Taxes-
Estate and Gift Taxes ..          .  ........ ..             325-346
Capital Stock Taxes           ..........                     347-354
Sales Taxes, Stamp Taxes, Etc. ........ ...355-403
Miscellaneous Rulings. .         ...........                        404-485
Committee Reports ...............                                   487-636
Index ......             ..     ................ .                   637-650
The ru ings reported in the Internal Revenue Bulletin ae for the information of taxpayers and their counsel s
showing the trend of official opinion in the administrotien of the Bureau ot Interal Revenue. the rulings ether thou
Treasury Decisions have none of the force or effect of Treasury Decisions and do not commit the Department to
soy interpretation of the law which as so been formally approved and promulgated by the Secretey of t
Treasury. Each rnling embodies the administrative appliation of the law and Treasury Decisions to the entire
state of focts upon which a particular case rests. It is especially to.be aed. that the same result will not feesn.
wily he reach.e i n mnother case unless all the material facts are identical with th ese of the reported cas. As ti
net always f     taole to pub lih a complete statement of the facts underlying eaqh rain, there can be no assuranm
thatny new sse sdeitcalwthhe reported case. As bearing out thi distinction. it may be observed that th
rulings pulished from time to time may appear to reverse rulings previously Published
Officers of the eamn of Internal Rc.enue gre especially cautioned against reaching a conclusion m any ease
merely an the bas of similarity to o published ruling, and should base their judgment so the applicaion o a11 per-
taunt provisions of the law anid Treosury Decisina to all the facts m each cae These rui should by se as
aids in studying the law sod its formal construction as mode in the regulaions and Treasury Decisns previously
In aditon to publisng all Internal Revenue Treasury Desions it is thepoliy of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
to publish all rulings and decisions, includiogt opinions of the Chief Coans for the lorant of Interned
Reveue. which. becanse they announce a ruling or deisonup   ovel questin   upoa question in regard
to which there exists no previously publish.ed ruling or deiin mr for ether reasons, are of ouc impnotsnco -s
to hel general interest. it s also the policy of the loran to publish a. rulis  decisions which revoe, modify.
amend, or efect in ony manner whatever any published rung or dcision. In msy instances opinions of the
Chief Counsl for the Bureau .of Intera  Revenue are n  of g    al itest because the *    on
no new ruling or no new construction of the revenue laws but  Wmply apply rufs already made 91ubrc in cecta
itations of fact which are without special significance, It in not the p   of the B an to publsh such opinions.
Therefore, the numbers assigned to the poblishod oi         the Chief Counsel for the Rure&* of
Internal Revenue are not eonsecutive. No unpubished rung or dec i   be cited be relied upon by soy officer
aemployee of the Bureau of Internal Revenue asapeeden in theds itaion of othe cas.  uless otherwise
opecisically indicated, al published rUling and decsions have receved the oMideation aod approval of the
Counsel fo the Bureau of Intenal Revenae.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing-Office
Washington, D.C. 20402- P-ce -$9.40
Stock Number 048-004-01289-8

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