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1921 No. 5 C.B. 1 (1921)

handle is hein.usfed/ircb0005 and id is 1 raw text is: Treasury Department : : Bureau of Internal Revenue

Cumulative       Bulletin
No. 5

Nos. 1711-1996, Inclusive

THE INCOME TAX RULINGS constitute a service of information from which taxpayers and
their counsel may obtain the best availableindication of the trend and tendency of official opinion
i. the administration of the income and profits tax provisions of the Revenue Acts. The rulings
have none of the force or effect of Treasury Decisions and do not commit the Department to
any interpretation of law which has not been formally approved and promulgated by the Secre-
tary of the Treasury. Each ruling embodies the administrative application of the law and Treasury
Decisions to the entire state of facts upon which a particular case arises. It is especially to be
noted that the same result will not necessarily be reached in another case unless all the material
facts are identical with those of the reported case. As it is not always feasible to publish a com-
plete statement of the facts underlying each ruling, there can be no assurance that any new case
is identical with the reported case. As bearing out this distinction, it may be observed that the
rulings published from time to time may appear to reverse rulings previously published.
Officers of the Bureau of Internal Revenue ae especially cautioned against reaching a con-
clusion in any case merely on the basis of Similarity to a published Income Tax Ruling, and should
base their judgment on the application of all pertinent provisions of the law and Treasury Deci-
sions to all of the facts in each case. The Income Tax Rulings should be used merely as aids
in studying the law and the Treasury Decisions.


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