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1 Information Interchange Bulletin No. 023: Guidance Documents [1] (2022)

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Information Interchange Bulletin No. 023

Guidance Documents

What   are  guidance                    .o doaenie      man    e*  ide.    dcmns
do  uSents                            AUS  recmmens   that agencies develop writen procedur for managing
                                      guidance documenms. Procedures shoul address how they devlop guianhcO
Guidance documents is generally used documemns, incluling any policies rlat ing to public comment. pubhcation. and
to refer to two types of rules that agencies  periodie review of exist ing guidance documens.
issue without undertaking the notice-and -
comment rulemaking process (B1R-014:    iilia     u(ac(lcmn1       10Nhe    1  (llnr   j'o4u',u00      10
                                      Offie0 of Management and dges   ol  u       u      Significant guidance
 Interpretive Rules, in which agencies documens include those expecle to have an annual economic effect of at least
  advise the public of how they construe  $100 million and Ihose thm raise novel gal or poliey issus.
  statutes or rules they administer.
 Policy Statements, in which agencies (0M req uires agencies (other than independen agencies) to solcit and respond to
  advise the public of how they propose to  public comments on economically significant guidance documemns: More broadly.
  exercise discretionary powers.      A CS  recommends that Agencies consider whether to solicit public input before
                                      aopt ing or modifying guLance documens. In doing so. agencies shoul consider
What   Is the  ega   effect of        factor such as the impact of the douumemn in question the practicabiity of
guidan    e                           participin, te lkely increase in useful informtion available to the agency from
                                      broadening participation. and the likely inen'ase in policy acceptance from
Rules made through notice-and-comment broadening participation.
rulemaking and certain other kinds of
rules, such as procedural rules, have the . o * a eies     e     i      doa                y a   ib
force and effect of law. This means that  \gencies must make guidance documents publily available on their websit es. and
these rules are legally binding on    Ihey must publish st aemens of general policy anti interpretations of general
members of the public.                a pplicability in Ihe Feld regn erU
Guidance documents, on the other hand, A(US recommends that agencies organize and label guiance documens on their
do not have the force and effect of law.  websit es so th Ihe publie Can easily find them anl unlersand their legal effe.e
                      :..tn, 135 S. Ct. Useful techniques include crating a dedicatl webpage for guidance documens.
1199 (2015). That is, they do not establish  indexing and tagging guidance documents and clearly marking rescinded or
a standard with which noncompliance   superseded guidance documens.\V A S also recommends that agencies undertake
may form an independent basis for action  affirmative measures to alert the publc to new and revised guidance documents
in matters that determine the rights and  such as by using public emai dist rihion lois or social media.
obligations of any member of the public
(see ACUS Rec. 2t1t7-5).              H    d as v                 d     h  p      t  0      uidance?
                                      A\ US recommends hat agencies take steps to ensure guidance documens are not
 Yhy  do  agenceUs   iss itreaed as having the force and effec of law               encies should for examp, sate
 goidanc do       mets?               prominenly ha t guidance docum0n are not binding on te public and avoid
                                      staIing that members of t1he publc shal or must do something unless required
Guidance documents are important tools by a sta te or regula ion.Agenci0s shoul also offer the public a fair opportunit
for administration and can be of great to argue for the modification rescission, or waiver of guidance documens and
value to agencies and the public.     prominely  state in guidance documens that such an opportunity exists.
Although agencies may not use guidance
documents to create standards legally                          \dditional Resources
binding on the public, agencies can use 0B FI I
them to quickly and efficiently advise the  \ US Rec 01  7,Publie A\ailability pf Inperative Agency Cuidan e D ocuments
public of how they intend to administer \lUS Rec. 2 Iv, Public Avaiability of Aency (Guianc D cum nts
federal programs.                     A'US  lec.2l1   Agency G;uidance Thtough Interpretive Rule


May  2022


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