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1 Tryal of John Hampden, Esq; (of Stoke-Mandeville in the County of Bucks) in the Great Case of Ship-Money, between His Majesty K. Charles I. and That Gentlemen Wherein are Inserted, the Whole Record in Latin and English: The Several Arguments of Council Learned in the Law, on Both Sides, in That Most Remarkable Case at the Bar; with the Opinions of All the Judges on the Bench in the Exchequer-Chamber, &c. As Also Mr. St. John's Speech in the House of Lords, Jan. 7, 1640 concerning Ship-Money. With Mr. Waller's Speech to the House of Commons, April 22, 1640 on the Same Subject: And, His Famous Speech in Parliament, at a Conference of Both Houses, in the Painted-Chamber, July 6, 1641 on the Exhibiting Articles, by the Commons, against Mr. Justice Crawley, One of the Judges Who Gave Judgment for the King in That Cause. To Which is Added, the Tryal of Thomas Harrison, Clerk, for Words Spoken against Mr. Justice Hutton (When Fitting afterwards upon the Bench of the Court of Common-Pleas, in Westminster-Hall) Accusing Him of High-Treason, in Delivering His Opinion in the Exchequer-Chamber, That the King Had No Lawful Power in Leveying the Ship-Money; and That He Therefore Denied the King's Supremacy: With the Proceedings Thereupon, and His Sentence by the Court. The Whole Being Printed from Authentick Manuscripts 1719

handle is hein.trials/aawt0001 and id is 1 raw text is: THE

John Hampden, Efq;
(Of Stoke-Mandeville in the County of B UC K s)
I    Grgat C AS E of
His Majefty K. Charles I. and that Gentleman.
Wherein are Inferted,
The whole R E C 0 R D in Latin and EngliJb : The Several Arguments of
Co U N C i L Learned in the Law, on both Sides, in that moft remark-
able C A S E at the Bar ; with the Opinions of all the Judges on the
Bench in the Exchequer-Chamber, &c.
Mr. St.John's SPEECH in the HousE or LORDS, Jan.7. 1640.
concerning S H I P-M o N E Y.
With Mr. Waler's S PE'E cII to the HouSE OF COMMONS, April 22,
1640. on the Same Subje6t: And,
His Famous S P E E C H in Parliament, at a Conference of Both 1-b u s E s,
in the Painted-Chamber, July 6, x 641 . on the Exhibiting A RT i c L E s,
by the C o M M o N s, againft Mr. Juftlice C RAW L E Y, one of the Judges
who gave Judgment for the K I N G in that Caufe.
To which is Added,
for Words fpoken againft Mr. Juftice H U T T 0 N (when fitting after-
wards upon the Bench of the Court of Common-Pleas, in Weflminfler-
Hal) Accufing Him of H i G H-T R E A S O N, in Delivering his Opinion in
the Exchequer-Chamber, That the King had no Lawful Power in Levying
the S H I P-M o N E Y 5 and that He therefore denied the King's Supre-
macy : With the Proceedings thereupon, and his Sentence by the Court.
The Whole being Printed from Authentick Manufcriptr.
Printed for D. R    WN E, W. M E AR s, F. CLAY, without Temple-Bar
J. S A c K F I E L D, in Lincoln's-Inn-Square 5 B. C R E A K E, at the Bible in
Jermyn-flreet, St. James's 5 and J. PEELE, at Locke's Head within Temple-
Bar. 1719.

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