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4 Pitt. Legal J. 417 (1856-1857)

handle is hein.statereports/pittlegj0004 and id is 1 raw text is: 



- ,  IlE   PITS SBURGH  LEGAL JOURNAL,                   ATTORNEYS.
          -P- IPunax EVERY sAPOPAY EVENuING,
          ,7 ,                                 11vA, v ,[ P. FLENNIKEN, (late of Union-
At, Unicn Buiing, coner ifh and mithld stmets,      town) Attorney at Law. Office, Bakewoll'e Build.
.      .O....prg, Grant street, Pittsburgh.
   THO.                &                           Will attend to businesi before all the Courts of this
.o... ,   J- - INAN      , ;                  andajoIuingountse.,                   Je8
        ,).          e                         A    M. BROWN, .Attornoy, at Law, and
  i Sip.~A remittance of Five Dollars will entitle the sender I * Commissioner of Deeds for 'New York, Wisconsin,
' to recelve n'paper for one year, and to have a business card Iowa, Missenri, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana,
of O r linea' inserted for same time,         and other States-PirTeuR on, PA.      jeft.y
      -   eTMl OF ADVERTISING:                      ILLIAM     W. BARR, Attorney at
   One qua/eel tnlines onoinsortion ..................[ $ 50  T Law, Clarion, Pa.
-,:;Each succeeding insertion .................................25  .Busnss in Clarion ut Jefferson Counties prompt.
   One square, three months ................. 11 . .00 ly attended to.'  .     my28:dly
     10-1 -)O*' muUthes...........................6.00
       0 ' 'on your; ..,..... ............  ..ioou 10-ILLIAM  T. BISHOP, Attorney at
;; ..A    advsrti.smenta must be left at the office before  ,'y  Law, Her  €r, Pa.
*i;.2 o'clock at noon, on Saturday, or they cannot appear In  Aa- Attends i, rnrte,,Ional buslne' in Dauphin and
  hat day's paper.                            Lebanon Countli. ' ''s promnpts• R' ended to and
            2 h t dy's ape. -remittp,!                    ,   .' ,.:-          my.:lyj

  •  ]CALMONT & KEENAN, Attorneys
       !at L a ; ;131 Fourth street, above Smithfield, Pitts.
  burgh.           . :,jelt

  .DAVID B       }RO6 Y .       {WM. W. WISE
  ,uN.UUTAWN- }.     .          1 RtOOvMLE. -
;!  AROLAY & WISE, Attorneys at Law,
               S4.. 14, . - eis~etuU.1 jermersuip will
  attend, with promptitude to.all legal business entrmeed to
  their charge in Jefferson, Olarlon, Clearflield, Indiana and
  Armstrong Countle..                 del.
  eAM.,W. SLCE ................................. os MELoN
  [fhAK&M.MELLON, Attorneys at Law,-
  S'(euceseora to Dafragh &Mellon) 'Bakewell's Build-
  iags. Gratnt street, Pittsburgh. -  .
    WIll undertake the prosecution ofclaims before the
  Court of Cla.im!WashIgton City. 'I imy=d&w8m
    ./ O3.     t....:.:... ..i.......~~SAMUEL t'~M t
    ' ]-ITCHELL    & PALMER,'Attornys at
  .LV.L Law. -Ofoe, No.67rFifth stret, between Smithfield
  n-iant str~t~s, Pittsburgh..,       ap2fid
       A  ,: GqRDON , Attorney at Law -and
     '.  *Not'ry'Ptslle, K PANNING,'rmntcgun  ty,
  atbnyusines entrosted.to hie oare will be promptly
  att ad 'to.' Refer. to t Hon Garrick Mallory, Philadel

  TOHN L.: CUTTLE, Attorney and Con.
     t.1der at P$w, Oaahcaw PA., will attend to profesealdn.
  a business In CleiefloldI -Elkand Jefferson ountes,.and
  .wiiLgive desptionas of'ads and-aee to the j~ymentof
  taxes on  d   'ithxe   ,          .e,0*11
     OHN B.' CONYNGHAM, Attorney at
     Law, ST-,0UIS, Mlisourl. References-Hon. S. Mat.
'4 I'y Philo.;   ~o. 0. W.'Woodward and J. N. Conyngliam,
  Wilkeoerre Pa,,   ...,             o14.lyo
  r'AM     8 .. MOCAHON, Attorney at Law,
      BROOIVUM , Jefferson Coounty, Pa.; -  ' I.
    Will  ateto all profeblonal buiness entrusted to hi
 * careta Jeffesno  Crinon,'Elk, and the'adjolningcuntles.
 Clq 6tihn-atlended to promptly.  .      je3:J
:,          [KJ Th A :B. KNOX, Attorney   at
           yy Lw, esnor, ichgan, Spidal attention
 * tdegi  oti mu. L U. hnberger;. urling.,  oberton
 ,Cf7' W   ZLEGLER,: Attorney  at (Law,
              QOVJ4PA, *RoAIl professional busns i
  JIerqon, ariOn and the adjoining Counties, attended to
  pro     =n lbiiswilrece1Ve pUrtqfdr .teto
  iobF. EmNZIE, Atorny sitLaw and
           ~lssioner fa theStte' of Ohio,124 -yourtih
,U-   I.j.  ND: SNOWDEfT       Attorney   and
   J...j Coun.ellor at law, No. 142 Fourth street, Pittaburgh,
   Feuasi         ''        , , '       ,5106'

T     lor at ,aw, .T- vnI'. .-j
AW-Practic~s a the; sic .rts  ',al    ,'Westmoreland,
Somerset, aud Blair CountiL... z .  zp!1.: :'wj*
L   AWIIENCE. S,. CM'..'i  i L,, Attor-
'    n. ey at L w, (IccPANenio, Armstrong county, Penn
,vtvenin      '          '           o2d3!

VOL. IV.-NO. 1.

JAMES 0. OLARE .                         ................. ....i. ARK. A USTIN CORBIN, Attorney and CoUm-
CLARKE &       1[ARKLE, Atiorneys and            ellor at Law, DAvENLroar, IOWA. fe22:j
a,. Counsellors at iow,'GcRENssunon, Pa..  ap28j
rjnOS.,: M MARSHALL, Attornoy at                     . ALDERMEN.
     Law-Office, corner of Fifth and, Grant streets, Pitts
burgh.                           .    p23J         JOHN    DIAJOR,    Alderman,
JOSEPH      S. &  A. P. MORRISON, At-        AND  EUO.IO J         U     e ue' 'iM S1 PEACE,
tp tornys atLaw. Ofdce No..i40 Fourth  rcot, between .'FFC.E, Nos. .122        and 124 Wyli. st.,
mmthfield and Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa.  myl        corner of Yashington, Pittsburgh.' .
                                              All business connected with his office Will be attended to
  JoHN P.uce Y ................................JAMES P. sTERaTr.  with promptness.,, Conveyances of all dnds done with le.
  DENNY & STERRETT, Attorneys and            gal accuracy-such as Deeds, Mortgagee, Ilondi, Powers of
                                            iAttorney, eto. .tlst lelkttoxal    '   .
 L   Counsellors at Law-Office, No. 164' Fourth stree,  To the members of the Bar. he tenders his servioess u
 tlttsburgh.                          ap23J  Commissioner. o take Depoeslticns to b road In the several
 WM. AKWELL .................................... . B. OUAPEL.L  Courts of thls'State, and elsewhere, Ills offic.d isbfe of the
                                             main Police tattone of the city, and consequently his fhl.
          WELL    &  CAMPBELL, A             itio in executing business of that kind are very desirable.
L    nys and Counsellors at Law-Oflice, No. 75 Grant felSj     .            .     ,'
street, Pittsburgh. ,                 ap283j

.WM. A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law,
       CLBARFELD, PA., will attend to professional bu-'
sines in Clearfield and adjoining counties, with fidelity and
disptch.                        jy20.'uajam
.P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109.
  J  Fourth street, (fourth door below Body Rattersoen's
(Avery Stable,) Pittsburgh. ,        mayl2
EUDWARD P* JONES, Attorney and'
J_21 ourth street Pittsburgh.
  . n~                   .Y 1  .1. I  -i
:]-AVID      BARCLAY, Attorney .'and
J[1 Counselor at Law, Paunxatawney, Jefferson County,
Penn'a.                         ap29jly
1 ?M. TIMBLLN, Attorney at ILaw,
  •    BUTLER PA.-Oolleetlion 'carefuliy attended to
in Butier and adjoining counties.       jellyjs
TOHN H. NEGLEY, Attorney at Law,
.BU)Lae, PA. Collections promptly attended to.
I ASPER E..-BRADY, Attorney and
  tICounsellor at Law-Office, No. 89 Fihfth street, Pitts-.
bnrgh. .ap28~j
     ,B.: SWEITZER, Attorney      at Law.
     Office on Fourth street,' nearly opposite the Mayore
'oPittsburgh.            .            ap2ZJJ

     * ex-sicio Juatice of the I'oeace-Offico, No. 69  rant
street, near tho Court 11ouso, 1ttshurgh, All'bueluess
connected with his 'office will b attend d to *Ith'lpiit-
negs. Conveyancing of anl kinds done with legal acuracy,
such pa Deeds, Mortgeges, Bonds, Lowors of Attorney, &o.
Titles tolteal Estate examined. To the membraof the oir
he tenders hi serylcos as Commissioner to take Depositions
to Pjo read in the eseoral Courts of' this State and elsewhere,
        WIM. W ILSON, ldormnazL.
( FFICE, N6. 417 Pni st., '1ifth Ward,
0.Pittsburgh.-Doeds, Bonds, Mortgagee, Indentures
of Apprenticeship, Agreements, and other lnstruinent6g
Writing executed th accuracy and promptnessc ' f4

   TiDONALDSON, Aldernan+Offiq..
     corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Olttsburgh., t l
buiness pertaining to the olfce of Alderman  .w lf be
prcmptly attended to.             osQ0jy

.    Third Ward. Office, cornr Fifth and  ranit strots,
oppos its the Court Houso. Offilc open dulitIg businses
hours.          ',.                  fel-t
JOHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, No.
    472 Penn street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. 'ep!Mj
JAMES McCUNE, Alderman, No. 765
    Penn street, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh.   ap2Zj

EDWIN- H. STOWE,-Attorney and [                             t
JD  Cunsellor'at Lw, 120 Fourth st., Pittsburgh.  '1/ ._ .r, IN the Court of Common P4A3
JO .EP, Attorney and Coun- '                           sit r oen £ SfA riegonycounty: William
            KNOX,                                          the matter of the voluntarymlgnmsnt
            ,YOSEPH~~ ~ ~ ~  ~ KNX-Atp,4  an  6nH6oon A Bargent'to William L'hlil[pe,
   Si6lor at Lavw--Oflce in Bakewel 's BuildingsO, Grant And sow, to wit: Macoh 4th, 1850, account
SPitsburgh.                  '. '     a 'p2a           of the assignee, fled and confirmed sx,4aod
                                                       itlscorderedthatthe gamebecooirmed ao.
              P MDOD N     4 'Attornwy ~tlntely,   n tbe 2stday of Aprl not, unlesscuse be-Wown
 J08w   P,s, CMQUNAWnlstj',FAtipn  it - to the contrary,' and ihat notive thereof be given by pablcs.
                                   6Ii~ela ony tl Pa. dr St'ensedUtieweeks pravtius to the si Sat day
                                                 cpjjinthe Pitsburgit Legal Jourhal.
 JiOBIPH 'WE&AVE        P f MiAtjdwz           o     the ReOrdII. JO1N .eMmmuOQ ,
U tp        r tm m

Digitized from Best Copy Available

               PRICE FIVE QENTS.

W     IILTCOMB & MICKEL, Attorneys
at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, end Genoral
Land Ageots, Montezuma, Poweshlek county, Iowa, will
give prompt attention to al buslnem entrusted to their
care in Poweshiek, Iowa, Benton, Tame,  arshal, Jasper,
Marion, Mahosis, and Keokuk counties.  Je022ly
     Attorney at Law, fnd Commissioner of the Court
H.1. mg. Office, No. 110 Fourthatreet, between Cherry
alley and Grant Street .          sepl:1y
        C.HAPIN, Attorney     at Law, Ridg-
     1y, Rik County, Pa.
  N J.-Spaclal attention given to Collecting and securing
Claims In this end adjoining Counties.   Iyl4jl~y
bT      . W. PATRICK, Attorney and
       Counsellor at Law-Office, No. 104 Fifth street,
 urgh,                                ap230j
 G  EO. S. SELDEN, Attorney at Law-
     Office, No. 122 Fourth street, Littsburgh,  ap23j
 OHN COYLE, Attorney at Law-Of-
 flc,, grant st., opposite the Court ifouse.  a p23j
 A LEX. M. WATSON, Attorney at Law
 ---Office, No. 110 Fourth st., PIttsburgh.  ap2HJ j


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