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1756-1761 331 (1756)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0291 and id is 1 raw text is: Anno Regni vicefimo nono GEORGII Secundi Regis.

33 1

A. D. 1756.
At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the RoBERT
C)                    DINWIDDIE,
CAPITOL, in          W   /illfmsburg, on Thurfday        the 25th      Gover
Day of March, in the 29th Year of the Reign of
our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of
GOD of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King,
Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the Year of our
Lord 1756, being the firft Seffion of this Affembly.
CH     A   P.   1.
An AFV for d:farming Papi//s, and reputed Papifis, reftfng to take
the Oaths to tho Government.
I. W       H E R E A S it is dangerous at this Time to permit Papifts to be  Preamle.
 armed, B it cnac7ed, by the Lieutenant Governour, Council, and
Burg§efs, of this p/ent General A/jembly, and it is hereby enaded, by the 4u-
thority of the jatne, that it (hall and may be lawful for any two or more Juffices Where Pa.
of the Peace, who (hall know or fulped any Perfon to be a Papiff, or fhall be Pil leflA to
informed that any Perfon is, or is fiMpeded to be, a Papift, to tender, and they wahe tendeud,
are hereby authorized and required to tender, to fuch Perfon fo known or fulf-
pedted to be a Papift, the Oaths appointed by At of Parliament to be taken in-
fiead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; and if tuch Perfon fo required
fhall refufe to take the faid Oaths, and fubfcribe the Teft, or thall refufe or for-
bear to appear before the faid Juftices for the taking the faid Oaths, and fub-
fcribing the faid Tef, upon Notice to him given, or left at his ufual Place of
Abode, by any Perfon authorized in that Behalf, by Warrant under the Hands
and Seals of the faid two Juftices, fbch Perfon from thenceforth (hall be taken to
be, and is hereby declared to be, liable and fubjea to all and every the Penalties,
Forfeitures, and Difabilities, hereafter in this Aa mentioned.
II. A ND   be it further enaIed, that the faid Juftices of the Peace fhall cer-  Duty of
tify the Name, Surname, and ufual Place of Abode, of every Perfon who, being JuficCs.
required, flall refufe or negledt to take the faid Oaths and fubfcribe the faid Teft,
or to appear before them for the taking the faid Oaths and fubfcribing the faid Teft,
as alfo of every Perfon who thall take the faid Oaths and fubfcribe the faid Teft,
at the next Court to be holden for the County for which they (hall be Juflices of
the Peace, to be there recorded by the Clerk of the faid Court, and kept among
the Records of the faid Court.
III. AND for the better fecuring the Lives and Properties of his Majeffy's  No rNia,
faithful Subjeas, Be it further ena~led, and declared, that no Papift, or reputed  Aiinns
Papift, 1b refufing, or making Default as aforefaid, fhall or may have, or keep
in his Houfe, or elfewhere, or in the Poffeffion of any other Perfon, to his Ufe,
or at his Difpofition, any Arms, Weapons, Gunpowder, or Ammunition, other
than fuch neceffary Weapons as thall be allowed to him by Order of the Juflices
of the Peace at their Court for the Defence of his Houfe or Perfon; and that
any two or more Juftices of the Peace, from Time to Time, by Warrant under
their Hands and Seals, may authorize and empower any Perfon or Perfun in the

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