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1783 184 (1783)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0169 and id is 1 raw text is: 184               Anno Reipublica   Conditm  S E P T I M 0.
..                                      .        .  ,

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the Public Buildings
in the City of Richmond, on Monday the 5th day of May, in
the Year of our Lord 1783.
T~~~                %   - t01 -i      I '  I


An afl for elabling pilots and rqugtating their fees

See Od. z783,

V    .            I.        1HEREAS it is neceflary for the fafety and prefervation of vefrels coming into the bay of  .-
IAT     /rr.ae, bound up the rivers of this commonwealth, that able and experienced pilots flituld
Preamble.         V     *lb efabliffTed to conduclt fich veffels, for ieafonable fees, to theit feveral Mroorings, and to
prevent ignorant and unikilful perfons from undertaking fitch pilotage: Be it enafed, that Paul Loyal,
Thomas Brown, .7anes Barron, 7obn Gwt'inn, Bd-ward Co.wer, CGarles Bailey, and I'lliam Ballard, ot
Certain  perfons any three of them, be, and they are hereby appointed to examine every perfon that fhall delire to be ad-
appointed to exa- mitted a pilot, he firit producing a certificate from the county court where he refides, of his honeftl
.-ine and  grant and good behaviour, paying down to the examiners the fum of thirty flillings; and if upon exarnina-
them branches.    tion the perfon f(all appear of fuifficient ikill and ability, the Iaid examiners thall thereupon grant fitch
perfon a branch, and thenceforth he fhall be reputed a lawful pilot. Provided, that no peritl whatfo-
Pilots tolkeepfqf- ever, fhall be permitted to execute the bulinefs f a pilot, notwithftanding he may have fitch branch as
ficient boat,.    aforefaid, unlef he -- the company to which he belongs, flhall keep one fufficient boat of eighteen feet
n      okeel at the leaft, under the penalty of fifty pounds for every veffel fuch pilot lhall undertake to eondua;
Penalhies.    to be recovcred with coils, in any court of record in this Rate, by the party fiing for the fame, to his
o1 theit own ufe: And if any pcrfon not having finch branch, and keeping fuch boat as afortfaid, fliaii
prefume to take upon himfelf to condita or pilot any vefrel coming from fea to any place or places here-
after mentioned, every fich perfon fhall forleit and pay the fiun of fifty pounds; to be recovered with
cofts, in any court within this flate, by the party fislng for the fame; and moreover flich perfon (hall be
liable for all damages occafioned by his undertaking the pilotage, to be recovered by adliun at commit
law, in any court within this ilate, by the party grieved. Provided, that this a& (hall not be conflrutd
Provfo.     to extend to hinder any perfon or perfons from aflifting any velfel in diftrefs, fo as lie or they flhall dvli-
ver up fuch vefl'el to the pilot who fliall come on board and oflfir to undtrtake te conduct of her, for
which fucih afliftant flhall and may demand and receive from the faid pilot, half the fees allowed for pi-
lotage by this adq.

No more than t.wo
pit to be in part-
Rde.r for rnal ers
of/hips and piloti.
Pilots i*rapaci-
tated ard liale to
damages for Joblng
Rates of ildteaqi.

IT AND whereas grect inconveniencies have arifen from pilots entering intocombination or partnLr-
hip, which has occalioned great negled of their duty: For prevention whereof, Be it enalted, that no
more than two pilots (hall be in partnerilip, under the penalty of one hundred pounds each, to be re-
covered with coils, by any perfon fluing for the farne.
I1. AND for the encouragement of pilots to do their dut?, and that all pilots may be induced toheep
a good look-out, Be it maed, that every mailer of a merchant's vefi] coming from iea, lhall be obliged
to receive the firil pilot who offers to condu t his vedie, or flall pay him full pilotage to the firit port,
and flall continue the fame pilot to his firfl port of difcharge; and every pilot cruifing or (handing out to
fea, ihall oier his fervices firil to the vcfl'el which may be fieare[t the land, or in moft dilircl's. Amd if
any pilot, not bing hindred by licknefs, or other lawfi[ catnfe, fliall rcfife to go on boird any vdllcl,
when required by the mailer, to execute his office, fitch pilot or pllots,, in either cafe, ihalt, upon c, m-
plaint an(l convi~ion before the examiners, or any three of them, forfeit to the tp:rty grieved, twenty
pounds, and be liable to be fipelended by them, for fuch term or time as they (liill thiiak lit.
IV. 4ATD b it ena,9ed, that if any pilht flall negligently or careleh.' lofe any veflf.. uder hi,4 care,
and be thereof convitqed by due co'fie of law, lie lhall forever after inch convioi, he iucapable of
ading as a pilot in this (tate, and Iball be alfo liable to pay all finch damages arty pertln or perluns lhail
fiftain by fuch ftigligence or carelefihefs, to be recovered as is before direted.
V. AND for preventing any exorbitant demands for pilotage, ie it ena,7d, that the following,
and no greater prices, tliail be taken or demraaded, to wit. On Yant's river, for all filuare r igged vef)Ola
coining from fea, from cape Hentr or ILnhi,'cn bay to ktonpon road, fbrt lhbillings; and fur giog out

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