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1781 138 (1781)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0164 and id is 1 raw text is: At a GENr, RAL ASSEMBLY begun and held at the Public Buildings
in the Town of Richmond, on Thu rfday the it day of March, in
the Year of,our Lord 178%.
CH     A   P.     I.
Fxeteutcd,                            An a1l to ra;fe two'*legions for the defence of theflate.
C   H  A   P.     II.
An a8 to remedy the inconveniencies arif/ig from the interruption givin to the execution of t'wo ails pa rd at the
Rxccuted,       Iafl'efefoion of Ajembly, for recruiting this Jlate's quota of troops tofer've in the continental arny, and for
fupplnjg the arny with clothes, proviaoni, and wagons.
C H1 A P. I1.
B.Yeczflcdj                          An al for etfeertaining the number of militia in thisflate.
CH     A   P.    IV.
Expired,                      A& a8t to exempt artificers employed at iron 'works from militia duty.
C   H  A   P.    V.
Repealed.    taq atl/or pdj~ing the counterfeiters of the pacpr money of this fiate or of the United States, and for makiq
thej ame a legal tender.
C   H  A   P.    VI.
Executed.                            An all for emitting alumn of money for public exigencies.
C   H  A   P.    VII.
Executed.                             An all for burning the paper bills of credit of thi ate.

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