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1779 107 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0161 and id is 1 raw text is: Anno  Reipublicam Conditaw T E R T I 0.  07

At a    GENERAL         ASSEMBLY         begun and held       at  the   Capitol in     the
City of Williamsburg, on Monday the 4th day of Odtober, in the
Year of our Lord 1779.
C  H   A   P.    I.
An al for providing a great fealfor ,Aot commonewealth, and direfling the leferfeal of ite commonwealth to be
qfixed to all g;g~nt for land, and to commj/ioni, civil and military.
I. Eit enaLed by the General 4jmrnby, that the Governor, with the advice of the Council, be cm-
.'-powered, and he is hereby required, to provide, at the public charge, a great feal for the com-
monwealth, and to procure the fame to be engraved, either in America or Europe, with the fame device as
was direced by the rfolution of Convention, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and feventy fix;
fave only that the motto on the revcrfe be changed to the word PERSEVERANDO.
If. AND be itfurther etafled, that the feal which hath been already provided by virtue of the faid re-
folution of Convention, be henceforw.ard called the leffer feal of the commonwealth, and that the faid
letrer feal he affixed to all grants for lands, and to all commillions, civil and military, figned by the Go-
vernor: P ,ovided ne.erthel/,f, that all fuch commiflions hcretoforc tigned and iffued, without affixing
the feal fl, all be good and valid.

Oreat feal to ke
provided by Execu-
tlive;  device and
motto of.
Le~yr feal,   io
'what alls affxed.

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