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1779 x (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/ssva0160 and id is 1 raw text is: At a GENERAL AssEMBLt                       begun and held at the Capitol in the
Citj of Williamsburg, on Monday the 3d day of May; Mn thi
Yeai of o'r Lord          1779.
C-H    A   P;  .
A4n all to explain and amend the nals of General AIgembly, providing a frop~ of money for public exi:gencies.
C  H    A  P.     If.
A, aN.efiabloing a Board of Trade.
C   H   A  P.     Ill.
An alt qRfla  binig a Board of   War.
C   H   A  P     IV.
An af for rafingq a body of vohmteers for the defence of'the commonwealth.
CHAP.             V.
An atl. pr.frribhzg the oath of fidelit.y, and the oaths of certain pub)ie o Ycer.
r        it Fnafred by the General f ,mbly, that every perfon by law required t. giveaffurance of fidelitj,
- ha l, for that purpofe, take an oath in this form. I      do declare myfelf a citizen of the
conmontwalth of Virginia; I relinquj/b7 and renounce the charaC~er of fitbjef or dtMien of any prince
or otber flate 'whatfoever, and abjure all allegiance 'which may be claimed by fuch prince or other fiate:  And
I do  wear tp be faithfid and true to the [aid connoncwealtk of Virginia, 10 long as I eontinue a citizen thereof:
So help me God. And no perfon flall have power to ad in any office, legiflatiNe, executive, or Jt;1L-
ary, before he fihall have given fitch alTurance, and fhall moreover have taken fuch of the following oaths,
if another be not.fpecially preferibed, as is adapted to his cafe.  rhe oath of a Governor. I  efied
Governor of Virginia, by the reprefentaties thereof, do folemnl prom# and Jewear, that I 'will to the be of
* npfill and jndTrpnt, execute the faid office, diigentl 'and faith/olly, according to low, 'without favour,
aftleion, or partiality: that I will to the ntmoji of my power, proted the citizens of the comno,. wealth in the
jeancre enjoyment of all their rights, .frae/n/es, and privilegei; andiwill conlantl endeavour that the laws
isnd ordinances of the commoneu alth be duly obfer'ved;. and that law andjtflce, in mercy, be executed in dl
jdgments; and lafly, that I 'will peaceably and quietly ref/gn the go-vernment to which I have been eleled, at
the Trucral period to 'which my continuance in the faid offie is or /hall be limited by law and the confitition.
So help me God. The oath of a Privy Cpunfellor. I        elefled one of the Privy Council of Virginia 4p
the rep refent atives the reof, do folemny promifr and/wear, that (quill, to the bfl of my .fill and judgment,
execute th~e faid qice diligently and.faithfully, aceordhig to la, without favour, aJqfeion, or partia'ly; an4
that I wrill keep .rct fnch proceedings an~d orders of the Privy Gouncil, as the board fhall diref to be concealed,
inlefs the fame b.eal/ed for by either Houfe of General  rAfibl.  So help me God.  The oath* of one
not fpccially direded to take any other. I   do foleminly promjfe and Jwear, that I will faithfully, in-
partally, and iqjly 'erforn the duty of en; oice of  according to the bef of my/kll and judgment. So
help ie God. The (hid oaths to be takenby.a member or officer of either Houfe of General Affembly,
Mhall be adminiftered by any member of the Privy Council, and the taking thereof fhail be certified-to
the clerk of fuch Hloufe• and the faid oaths to be taken by any other perfon if it be not otherwife direted,
fhall be adminiftcred in ome court.of record or by any Judge or Jfuifice theredf, and the taking thereof
flTall be recorded in the faid court.                                                      .
C HA P.           VL
An at! conerning o0cers, fldiers, fa!ilors, knd marinel.
C   ft  A  P.     VI.
An all permitting thofe   ho quill not take oathrs to be othbenrjiigg(d.'
I. .B it enaa-d by the General .dembly, that any perfon teiflng to takre an oath, and declarg relgi-
W   os G F.ruplen to lie the true and only reafon of iuch refulhl, if he will ufe the folemnity and cere-
mnoy, and repeat the formulary obferved on firilar occafons' by thofe of the church orrdligious focie-
ties he prnfrflth hi'nfclf to be a member of, or tojoin in conimunion with, (hal thereupon be deemed
as competent a witnefs, or to be as dul y qualiffed to eiecite an office or perform any other aft, to. the


Oath of/delity.'-
Official of t
of a Priqy Cou.
of any other.
Solemnities and
frms inRrad of

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