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1798 155 (1798)

handle is hein.ssl/sstn0203 and id is 1 raw text is: ACTS~
UASSEDT.r it SPCOND 9SESON n#          H SECOND       N
CH     AP FI FR         1.
fa ACT for the 'ttsr e/abli/h went and regulation of tel  iilitia i tigi
fate-(PAssie or     use.t 19 !71).)
Seaion i       E it ena.-db) the General efembly oft/eState of7etneg
L.1That an aft contled, - An act, ellablhing a nidiua  rl
the (tate of North Carolina, is hereby repeatcd and ma,!e void, to far at
rcfpeats this flare
Sec 2 Be it enacted. That all free men and indented fervants. from
the age oi eightectt to forty five, flisil compole the militia thereof, judges
of the fuperior courts of law and equIity, lecrecary of flatc, treaturcrsi
attornies general, miiiiers oi the gotpel o: evzrv denomination, ferry.
Rn, jufics of the pt-ace. and all contiineatal officers who have ferved
three years with repulation, or during the w r, pokl ofl ers who havce
the care and conveyance of th: mAil of the United States, (hd be ex-
empt trom militia duty, except in cde of eminent danger of infurrctiou
or invalbin.
Sec. 3 Be it enacted, That the aii militia flhall be organized in the
following manner, viz  Trie nilitia of each dith1i thall compofe a bri-
gade, the infanrry of each county fh ill form a regiment, ec-pt where
it is otherwife provid:d for by law  And alfo one company of civalry
to be raifed by vo:unt.iry entiurment, and under the IoCowing rules and
Teraiions, prov:dea, (hat no perfon (hal he enrciled in any troop of
horfe, until approved or by the field officer of the cvralry, but th,1
until then do his duty in the infantry.
See 4. Be it enaled, 'haceach company of infantry fhall conflil of
one cap-ain, oue lieutenantr, oei  n three krj:ants, two corporals,
one diummer, one fiter, and not lefs than forty nor more than eighty
privates, all of whom thail refi.de in the diltrid  Ind each troop-at horfe
thall conflit of one captain, oae neucenant, one cornet, three t4rje;anLs,
three corporals, one trumpeter, and not lefs than thircy two nor more
than forty privates; and th  cavalry in each diaria thall compole one
Sec. 5 Be lt enacWet, That each brigade (hall be commanded by a
brigadier general ; each regimenc of intautry by a lientenant cotone
commandar and two majors; and each regiment or cavalry, by the
lient. col. commandant and two crwjors ; the brtgadier general thali ap.
point a brigade avjor to each brigade; the commanding oflicer of each
tegiunent thall appoint an adjutant; and each captain Mhall appoint his
drummers, fifers and trunpeters.
Sec 6   Be it enacted, That it thall bimthe duty of commanding oft-
9 Q±an 1itcs to procg fortthwith to dIvI   tidr:  yipnics inao

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