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1744-1759 187 (1744)

handle is hein.ssl/sssc0286 and id is 1 raw text is: of   outb Caroli'na..


A. D.- 17 44,
all ad for tt btetter               fecuring       te    payment, anx A              D. 744
more cafl Recobern, of Webtz-but front anp per:-                                       .
fort or Verfonu              Iababittng, refiting, or tinT
bepout the          eat or etffter7x -           ttout the itmits
of tani probinceibr attactngthemzonies.                                     ,
crJattels, Debts ant 33oolt of                       ecompt of fuc
ertfon or Vtrfon, if anp Ie, fte, or tcpt ftatl
Dabe idttin t00s probince. 2atn                          to empolwer
anb enable a femt=Cobert, tat is a fole Wrater..
to fue for anu recoer ct Bebto as ffjatt bt
contratebio)tt i)er as a foWe Watcr, ant to fub=
jedt futf femeCobert to be arrefteb anti fWe, for
anp Debt contradeb bp ber as a foWe Zrater.
W HEREAS many inconveniencies and injuries have frequently happened in defea of
the recovery of debts where the debtor is ablent, or willingly abfconds, or withdraws Prcamblj.
himfelf out the limits and jurifdition of this Province ; fuch debtor often at the ame timecarry-
ingon trade and commerce, or other bufinefs in this Province, by factors, agents or attornies, and
having confiderable monies, goods. chattels and debts belonging and due and owing to him;
but for want of proper means to fubjet Luch flock in trade, monies, goods, chattles, and debts,
to the paynent of the juft and true debts of fuch abfent debtor, many perfons have and daily
are defrauded and deprived of their juft dues and demands. For remedy and prevention of
which inconveniencics and injuries for the future, Be it enaced, That, from and immediately  Enadqed.
after the pafling of this ad, any perfon whatfoever, whether an inhabitant of this Province or efre- That the goods,
where, having occafion to commence any fuit or aaion in the court of common pleas in this monies chattels,
Province, againif any perfon or perfons whatfoever refiding or being without the limits of this Pro- &c. of abfent
vince, upon any judgment, bond, bill, note of hand, book-debt, covenant, contrad or affump- debtors may be
fit whatfoever, or wherefoever made or entered into, fhall and may by him,.her, or themfelves, attached..
or his, her or their attornev, petition the Chief Juflice of this Province, or in cafe of his
ficknefs or abfence, any i of the juftices of the court of common pleasaforefaid, fetting forth,
the flate and nature of his, her or their demand, and that the debtor is abfent from,. and out
of the limits of this Province: which being done, it fhall and may be be lawful for the Chief
Juftice aforefaid, or (in cafe of his ficknefsor abfence from Charleftown) any 1 of the jufibces
aforefaid, to grant and iffue a writ or writs of attachment,. directed to the provoft-marthal of Writ of attach-
the Province aforefaid, requiring and commanding him immediately to attach the monies, ment to be di-
goods, chattels, debts and books of accompt belonging to the abfent debtor,- in the hands of reded to the
any perfon or perfons whatfoever; and the attaching of any part thereof, in the name of the provoltm-nar'hal.
whole that is in fuch perfon's hands, power, or poJfefionjhallfecure and make the whole liable
in law to anfiver any judgment that fhall hereafter be recovered and awarded upon that procefs..
And the provoft-marihal, at Luch time as he fhall execute fuch writ of attachment, fhall fum- Who thall fium-
mon the perfon in whole hands the laid monies, goods,. chattels, debts or books of accompt mon the partie'
hall in whole hands
* See an ad amendatory of this March iuth, 178..             h    the good5, &c.

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