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1731-1743 [i] (1731)

handle is hein.ssl/sssc0285 and id is 1 raw text is: %u Rt confiriuly                anb     eftablinflUg the ancient A. D. 173t.
anb approber            9tetat of Drawtoug 3furwe bp N' as
33allot in tbis Probince, ant for tMe better b=
miniftration of 3uftice t' criminat Caste0, atnb
for appointIng of fpectal Courts for tMe Trial
of te Caufe of Ermaient perfons, bedlarng
tMe PoWer of the proboft 4narfbaf, for allolving
the proof of Deets begoub the Inaz as (tbt:=
bence, ab for Repealug the feberal %t of the
tneral Sffembly ti erein mentioneb.
WHEREAS by the anc nt, known and fundamental laws and conflitution of the Preamble,
Kingdom of Great Britain, none of his Majefly's fubjeCts fhall be taken or impri-
foned, or diffeized of his free-hold, liberty or free cuftoms, or (hall be out-lawed, exiled or
otherwife deftroyed, or thall any judgement pafs upor him without lawful trial of a jury by
his peers: And whereas the equal, indifferent and impartial method of drawing juries by bal-
lot, ufed and approved in this Province for many years paft, hath greatly contributed to the
due and upright adminiftration ofjuftice, and is the fureft means to continue the fame. Be it
enatled Thatf-(This claufe obfolete.)
* II. The Chiefjuftice of this Province thall within 15 days next after the paffing ofthis all, Direitions for a
caule.to be written on fmall pieces of parchment or paper, of an equal fize and bignefs, the box with fix di-
names of all the perfons hereby appointed to ferve asjury-men, and having firft diligently vifions, wherein
compared them with the lifts or fbhedules hereto annexed, thall caufe them to be put into a !he nanesof the
box or cheft, to be prepared for that purpofe, with 6 divifions made therein, with the number J-un are t(
of each divifion marked upon the coverthereof, obferving the method' following, that is to
fay, the names of all the perfons mentioned in the fchedule hereunto annexed, entitled, A lift
of grand jury-men, thall be put into the divifion in the faid box numbered . and the names.
of all the perfons mentioned in the fcbedule or lift hereunto annexed, entitled, A lift of petit
jury-men, fhall be put into the divifion of the faid box numbered .3 and the names of the
*This claufe is partly obfolete; but the method of difitibuting the ballots into the diflerent diviflons is Itill prac-
tifed and adhered to.

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