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1781 300 (1781)

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No. 1268.

lt 91t for  fPofpoig of trtait Cftates, anb ba=
stiffyittcrtain Wj~rfons therettt tnttouth.

VrarTI IEREAS the thirteen Britifi colonies(now the United States of America) were by an
'ream'la*    X     aE of the parliament of Great-Britain, paffed in or about the month of Deccnbe. in
the year of our Lord, 1775, declared to be in rebellion, and out of the protcElion of the Britifh
crown; and by the laid aEt not only the property of the colonills wa declared fubj Ft to fEiz-
ure and condemnation, but divers feizures and defrution of their property having been made
after the 19th day of April, 1775, and before the pafling of the faid alt, fuch feizures and de-
firuition were by the faid aEt declared to be lawful. And Lhercaf \hc good people of thefe
States having not only fuffered great lolles and dimaes by cIptures o* thuir property on the
fea, by the fubjcEts of his Britannic Maj-ty, but by their feizing and cirryinz off much pro-
perty taken on the land. In confequence of fuch proceedings of the Britifh crwd, and thofe
aFring under it's authority, the Honorable Congrfs of the United States. after due and ma-
ture confideration, authorifed the feizing and condemnation of all property found on the fea,
-and belonging to the fubjeEls of Great-Biitain, and recommended to the feveral States in
which fuch fubjeas had property, to confifcate the fame for the public ufe; all political con-.
ncaion between Great-Britain and the United States, having been diffolved by the feparation
of thefe States from that king4om, and their declaring themfelves free and independent of her:
In purfuance of which recommendation moft (ifnot all) havd difpofcd of fuch property for the
public ulc. And whereas notwiithfianding this State has forborne even to fequeller the profits
arifing from the eftates of Britifn fubjeEts, the enemy in violation of thc mofl folemn capitu-
iations and public engagements, by which the property of individuals was fecured to them,
feized upon, fequeficred and applied to theirown ufe, not only in feveral inflances the profits
*     of the ciates, but in other inflances the eltates themfelves of the good citizens of this State,
and have commi=ted the moft wanton and wilful wafte of properly, both real and perfonaljto
a very confiderable amount.,
And whereas from a proclamation of Sir Henry Clinton, &claring, ihai if any perfon
thould appear in arms in order to prevent the dftablifhiment of his Britannic Majcfty's go-
vernment in this country, fuch perfons hould be treated with the utmoft feverity, and thcir
eftate be immediately feized, in order to be confifcated. And whereas from a letter of Lord
Rawdon to lieutenant-colonel Rugely,.declaring, that ever)' militia man who did not uFe his.
utmoft endeavours to apprehend deferters, fhould be punifhed in fuch manner as his lordfhip.
. hould.
..? See A. A.,6thb March,178Z, amending this and 2 adls of 26th March, 1786.


A. D.'i   2
1'. 1 258*
Illenit of 33kto tit t                     tat.
. PHEREAS bills of credit or piper money iflued either by the legiflature during thc-form.
er government under the King of Great-Britain, or by the Provincial-congress. or
Prvnc%                                                Congefs or
by the Legilature of this State, or by the Continental congress, were made-and eftablifh.
Enaeda. ed by law to be a good and legal tender in payment of all debts and demands throughout this
State: And whereas at prent the faid laws are found inconvenient: Be it enaE/ed, 'That from
Paper currency and after the pafling of this at, ro bill or bills of credit, or paper currency whatever. flhall
no legal tend.r. be confidered, taken or received as a legal tender. payment, or difclarge ofanv debt. due, or
dem:nd whatfoever; and that the laws mking fiich paper money or bills of credit a legal
tender and payment be, and thev are hereby repeAled.
6 Z iFe5ruary. 1782.                    J    II N  LEW i S     GE RVAI S:
Pre/ident of the Senate.
Speaker of tice Ienfe of Repuenia is ..

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