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1779 302 (1779)

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A. D. 1779.
N..1 242..

%t 0rbitance for. appointitni          a ntru  3ftist  Ltft for
the Diftrid of 'Cheraws, and to empower-any one of the Judges out
of the fame. to draw. a Grand, Petit, and Common Pleas Jury, to
ferve at the-Courts of General Seflons :ind' Common' Pleas, next to. be
holden for thefaid Dif/rid7i after the pafing of this. Ordinance, and
for raj/ing the Fines for the Non-appearance o  urors, and for other
Purpofes'.therean mentoned.,  ...

1. 11. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Obfolete.
ordained.     IX. Be it ordained, That. incafe any judge, theriff, or clerk of ary of the coxirts of juftice
Penaltyonjudge in this State, thall hereafter neglea, or omitlto draw, or-caufe tobe drawn, proper jurors to
theriff, or clerk, ferve at the faid courts, -according to the law or laws in fuch cafes made and. provided, they
not drawing a and each of them.fhall.forfeit,the fum-.of.-foootcurrent money;. one half to the ue of tlie
jur..         State,. and. the other to.the ufe of the informer; -to be recovered by-aaion of debti in ay of
the courts of common.pleas in this State.
X. And whereas jurors have of. late years greatly negleed to appear and ferve on juries,
o by which public and private juftice hath been1frequently delayed; to remedy the fame: Be.it
P .enalty-for  -,ordained, That any j uryman who Thall be legally fUmmoned to appear, and aEE as luch, at any
non-attendance of the courts of juflice in this State,.and fhall negle& or refufe to do the fame, every fuch ju-
of jurors. ror, in lieu of the former fines, if a grandjuror, fhall forfeit the fum off5oo current money;
and, if a petitjuror, or a juror funmoned to .appear anda&l at a court of common.pleas, ge-
neral or fpecial, (hall forfeit the fum off2So like money, unlefs fuch perfon can thew a good
and fufficient caufe, of excufeion oath, ras'hath been, ufual heretofore, to be proved to the
fatisfaftion of any of the judges at the next fitting of the court, to be recovered and applied in
the fame way and manner, that fines for non-attendance of jurors. have been heretofore re-
covered and applied.
3f Augft, 1779.                        CHARLES          PINC K NE.Y,
Prefident of the Senate.
Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives.

D3. s.    ~     rbMna     e- for appoting          al .U  U    furp E ift for
r.     . s  the Dyirid1 of      inety-Six, and.to .empower and direll the. Judges,)
ile.        out of the fame, to draw       a Grand    and .Petit Jury roferve at the-
next Court of Geniral Sefions to be 'holdenfor the faid .Dirid, next
after the pafingl of  this Ordinance, and for other Purpofes therein
V. Whereas the court-houfe at Camden was lately burnt, and* the judge orjiidges going
that circuit cannot by law hold the courts for. Camden diTiif at any other place: Be it there-
fore ordained;.That the faid judge or-judges, until a court-houfe is built forthe laid'diftria, fhall
and may hold the faid courts,. at fuch place or places in the town of Camden,.as he or they
thall think proper and other..
2oth February, 1779-                     C H A.R L.E S    P I NC K NE Y,.
Prefident of the Senate..
JOHN         afATHEWS,.
.. .. Speaker of the Iiciufe of Rep refe ntatives..

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