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1729-1744 221 (1729)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0274 and id is 1 raw text is: ACTS
An ACT for emitting of thirty thousand pounds, in bills of
credit, for the better support of governnent, and the trade
of this province.
Pafled 10th May, 1729.-Obolete.-Recorded A. vol. II. page 371.
An ACT for erecting of pounds in each township of this pro-
vnce. (k)
BE it enacled, That it fhall and may be lawful for the inhabi- The ihabi.
tants of the refpedlive townfhiips within this province, who tants of evc-
are owners or poffeffors of land, to meet on the twentieth day ry townbip
to ofe a
of the month called May, unlefs it happens on the firft day of pound-
the week, then on the next day after, yearly, or at fuch other keeper,
(k) For the ads refpe6ting fences, partition walls, cc. fee ant*
chap. 56. For the ads refpeding firay horfes and rangers, fee ant.
chap. 279 and the note there fubjoined.
By chap. 49Q, post. it is provided, that if any ftray horfe, mare,
colt, cattle or theep, fhall trefpafs into any inclofure, made according
to the ad in the text, the fame may be feized and didrained, and the
proceedings thereon were regulated. By ar a. of the 27th of March,
1784 (5d vol. chap. 1078) there are new regulations introduced ref-
peding fences, and proceedings upon trefpales by fwine, within the
counties of Bedford, Northumberland, Wellmoreland, Waftington,
and Fayette; and alfo fo much of the a4 in the text, as affeats thofe
colntiet; is repealed,

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