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1790 1 (1790)

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S Y L V A N I A.


An A C T to declare and ejlabliA the Seals of this commonw ealth.
SECTION, I           H E R E A S the late Convention of this
W. commonwealth did, on the fecond day
of September laft, eftablifh a new   form  of government for
Pennfylvania, and no provifion is therein made- for public
SECT'. II. Be it therefore enaced ly the SENATE nd Houss
Or REPRESENTATIVES of the commonwealth of Penmfylvania, i
General Affembly met, and it is hereby enatled by the authority of
theJame, That from    and after the paring of this aa, the 1ik, state seal
feal, heretofore known by the name of the State Seal, lately in  fabliled.
the cuftody of the Supreme Executive Council, is hereby con-
flituted the State Seal, and fhall be affixed to all patents, pro- Tobeaffixcdt,
clamations' and other public rolls, commiffions, and papers of all patents, &c.
fiate, which require the Great Seal of the commonwealth, and
to which the fame has heretofore been ufually applied.
S ECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid,
That the feal lately in the cuffody of the Supreme Executive The Lefferic)
Council, called the Leffer Seal, ihall be henceforth deemed iftablifficd.
and taken, and lhall be applied as the Lefs Seal of this com-
A                     monwealth,

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