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1780 381 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0214 and id is 1 raw text is: -0 S E P H R ED, Efq. Prefident.

Theforutb ear
of the Common-
L               A               W                  S
Enamled in the third fitting of the fourth
general affembly of the commonwealth
of Penfylvania, which commenced at
Philadelphia, on Jednefday, the tenth
day of May, in the year of' our Lord
A1n A C T for the greater eafe of the militia, and the more
ipeedy and Cfdlual defence of this ft ate.
Pafed May 26th, 178o. Recorded in Law Book Vol. 1. Page 39o &c.
C H   A P T E R     CLXXIV.
,A fupplement to an a~t intitled,  An .68 to compel the
f fettlement of the public accounts, and   or other
purp oles therein mentioned.
SErCTION 1. H[     E HEREAS by an aat intitled, An Preamble.
¥¥ ' A& to compel the littement of the
public accounts, pafled on the firft day of March laft,
it is enaded,  That in any cafe wherein it fhall appear
that a balance of monies fhall be due by any perfon or
perfons to this commonwealth, the faid auditors or any
two of them, fhall diret that payment thereof be made
to the treafurer of this Rate; and the certificates of the
faid auditors, or any two of them, Ihall be conclufive
evidence in an ation of debt at the fuit of the con-
monwealth againft any perfon or perfons of the fums
of money which fuch perfon or perfons owe, or
 may be indebted to the commonwealth, and no fet off
5D                      'or


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