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1780 264 (1780)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0213 and id is 1 raw text is: His EXCELLENCY

theo~b rea
of b, CommoN.
w:ealib .
L              A                W                 S
Ena&ed in the fecond fitting of the fourth
general affembly of the commonwealth
of Penzylvania, which commenced at
Philadelphia, on Jf'eduefdy, the nine-
teenth day of afanuary, in the year of
our Lord 1780.
CHAPTER             CXLI.
An A C T for laying an embargo on the exportation of
prov/ons from this jfate, by fia, for a limitedtime.
Pafled February 28th, 1780. Recorded in Law Book Vol. I. Page 328, &C.
An A C.T for the prefervation of buildings ereTed upon the
lands of divers inhabitants of this commonwealth, /br the
iy? of the united flates, and vefting fich land with the
buildings, in the united Jlates, during the prefnt war, and
to puni/h perfons fir 'waje or trqfpates made or committed
th -eon, and/or other purpofis therein mentioned.
'Preanlble. SECT [ON i. 1 T H E R EA S in the unfettled ftate of
VV public affairs, during the war with
Great Britain, the neceffities of the united colonies or fiates
induced their officers to take poffeffion of the lands of di-
vers perfons, inhabitants of this commonwealth, for public
Alfe, and have, at the public expence, ereded thereon bar-
racks, hofpitals, ftables, ftore houfes and other buildings.
S, c-r. 2. And whereas the honourable the congress of
the united ftates of America, by their refolve dated the
twenty third of July laft, have recommended that fuitable
provifion be made by a law for preferving the fame build-


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