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1779 170 (1779)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0210 and id is 1 raw text is: His EXCELLENCY

The tWrd I#or
oftbe Cmmr r.
L              A               W                  S
Ena~ed in the fecond fitting of the third
general affembly of the commonwealth
of Pennfylvania, which commenced at
Philadelphia, on Monday, the firt day
of February, A. D. 1779, and conti-
nued till Monday, the fifth day of
April of the fame year.
An ACT to increafe the fees on tavern licence:, the fines
on tippling houfes, and the rates of excfe.
Pafled March t$tb, 1779. Recorded in Law Book Vol. 1. Page 234, &c.
Repealed March 17tho 1780.
AIn A C T to impo'wer the truflee: for building a court hou/e
and prfon in and for the county of Bedford, to fell a mef-
fitage and lot & ground in the town of Bedford, purchaf-
ed by them to ferve as a temporary prion, and to appro.
priate the monies aring by fuch fale.
Preamble. SECTION. 1.  W     HEREAS the faid truilees have
WV by their petition reprefented to
this houfe, that they were under the ueceffity immediately
after the faid county was ere&ed, to provide fome place
to ferve for a prifon, till a proper houfe for that purpofe
could be built; that they therefore purchafed a houfe and
lot from James M'Cafhlan, fituate on the eafi fide of the
main crofs fUreet, in the town of Bedford, numbered fix


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