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1777-1778 60 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/sspa0206 and id is 1 raw text is: His EXCELLE NCY

The frlrear
of the &C-
L             A              W               S
Enaded      in   the   fecond   fitting. of    the
firfL general afli mbly of the common-
wealth of Penmfylvania, which com-
menced at Philadelphia, the z2th day
of May, A 777, and continued to the
x9th day of June in the fame year.
A Iepplement to the aet, int'tled, An AbI for making
the continental bills of credit, and the bills of credit
 emitted by refolves of the late affemblies, legal
tender, and for other purpofes therei,i mentioned.
Preamble. SECTION .-     HEREAS in the aft of general af-
WV fembly of the commonwealth of Penn-
fylvania, pafld the twenty ninth day of January laft paft,
intitled, ' -1n Af for imakII1g the continental bills of
' credit and the bills of credit, emitted by the refoves of
the late qffimblies, legal tender; and for other purpo/es
therein mentioned, no mention is made, in exprefs
words, of bodies politic and corporate; for which reafon,
it has been confirued by fome pcrfons that fuch bodies
are not compreh ended within the meaning     of the
Iiiid a&: In order therefore, that the faid bills of credit,
and alfo the bills' of credit emitted, and to be emitted,
by virtue of an a&, intitled, An A for emitting the Junr
of two hundred thozaand pounds, in bills of credit, jor the
deence of this flate ; and providing a fund for lnking the
'fame ly a tax on all etates real and per/onal and on all
taxables within tbejame, fhall be alike taken and made
, icurrent

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