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1806 319 (1806)

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JANUARY £Oth, 180G.
C    H  A    P.     I.
26. Act of incorporation, to be coisttAied beignly.
I. Bridge, over the Catskill-creek, certain persons incorporated for building.
16 ..... Others precluded from being erected within a certain distance.
22.      Persons Injuring, to pay treble diimages.
23 ..... Manner of building pr-scribed.,
'24. .... If out of repair for fifty days corporation to cease-proviso respecting.
11. Bye-laws, president and directors to make.
5. Commissioners, to receive sbscriptions. .6. To notify first election.
I. Company, etyle of incorporation. .2. Duration ..S. Corporate rights.
19. .... In case the bridge is not completed by first Not. 1807, to be dissolved.
17. Creek, persons precluded from passing it within a limited distance of the bridgo
without paying toll. , 18. Except in their own boats-on the ice, or at the ford.
7. Directors, number to be chosen. , 91 Majority a quorum.
13. .... With president to appoint officers. 
6. Election; first, who to notify- .. Anniversary day of.
4. Estate, real, which the company may hold, limited in its object.
16. Ferry not to be established within a limited distance of said bridge.
10. President,, directors to choose.
25. Roads, near the bridge, directors may appropriate monies to keep in repair.
21 ..... Sums subscribed to be paid directors on demand, on pain of forfeiture.
15. Sharts apportioned for voting.
112, 14. Stock, limited to 300 shares-of 10 dollars' each.
,20. Toll, rates of.
AN ACT to incorporate the Farmer's Bridge Company.
Paficd, January 28, 1806.
1. J) F-it enacted by the People of     the State of .New-rork, repre-
j     sented   in Senate and Asscmbty, That Henry            Burhans,      I
Samuel Van Vechten, William Schtneman) John Soufer and
Philip Gebhard, and their prefent and future aflociates, their
fucceffors and affigns be, and they are hereby created a body
corporate and politic, by the name of the 46 Prefldent and Di-
realors of the Farmer's Bridge          company, 'for the purpofe of
building a bridge over the Catfkill-creek, near the houfi of
Samuel Van Veceiten, about twenty rods above the fording
place on the public road formerly called the old king's road ;
and they    are hereby     ordained, conflituted and declared to be,          2
fbr the term of forty years, a body politic and corporate, in
fa6t and    in, name ; and by that name, they And their fuccef                3
fors flall'and may have continual fucceflion, and fhall be per-

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