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1743-1750 279 (1743)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnj0354 and id is 1 raw text is: The Seventeenth of GEORGE I.                          279
A C T S paffed by the General Affem-
bly of the Province of New  7erfey,
at Perth-Amboy, in 1743. being'the
ieventeenth      Year      of His Majeft y's
An ACT ftbjefri;g Real Efates in the
Provinceof New-Jerfey, to- the Pay-
ment of Debts, and direfliv          the Jberiff
in his Proceedings thereon.
sea. I.       HE R EA S it is highly reafonable and juft
V W   that the real Eflate of every Per fon or Per-Pbc.
fons in this Province, fhould  be fubject to the Py-
ment of his, her or their Debts, due to all and every of
his, her or their Creditors., wherefoever refident,
by the Governor, Council, and Affembly, in General
Affembly met and convened ; A*nd it is hereby Enacted by  Lands, &c.
the Authority of the fame, That from and after the Publi-  a e  a
cation hereof, the Hereditametits, Real Eftates, Houfes,
and Lands, fituate or being in any Part of this Province, be-
longing to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, indebted, fhall
be liable to, and chargeable with all juft Debts, Duties, and
Demands, of what Nature or Kind foever, owing by, or
due from any fuch Perfon, to his Majefty, or any of his
Subjects, and fhall be, and are hereby made Chattels for the
Satisfaction thereof, in like Manner as perfonal Eflates xvithin
this Province are feized, fold, or difpofed of, for the Sa-
tisfaction of Debts.
3. PROVIDED         ALWAYS, That every Sheriff
or other Officer to whom any Writ of 1heri Facias, or other
Writ fhall be directed, thall firft feize, and take fa much

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