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1781-1783 273 (1781)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0246 and id is 1 raw text is: Supply Bil.                      273
For raifing One HImdred and       Ten Thouand Pounds
Paffed [in.
Lawful Money, for the Ends and U(es therein men- (3          .
tioned, and to enable the Receiver-General, to iffue
his Warrants for colklting the fame.
WHE R E A S it is neceffory for the Support of the prefrns
r VIWar, and for defraying the Chsrges of this State, for the
agrrent 1 ear, for paying the intere/ due on ie public Securities Preimble.
shereof ; andfor fuch Oficers and Soldiers as may base Demands
toy the three and fix Mombths Srrvice ; and difcharging the State
Debts due to. tbe fevered Towns, jot Bounties to Soldiers, and Sup-
plies to lbeir Families, up to the la/1 of the Year One Thoufand
.Seven Hundred and Seventy-nine, that the Sum of One Hundred
and I en Thoufand Potnds Lawful Money, /bould be ragied .
.dilembly convened, and by the Authority of the fame, it is hereby
ena~led, That there be, and hereby is granted, for the current
Year, the Sum of One Hundred and Ten 7 heafand Pounds, Law- um grant-
ful Money, which Sum fhali be afletled and levied on the Polls
and Rateable tEfates within this State, agreeable to the lft Pro- Tobcaffeff*
prportion of Taxes for the (everal Towns and Places in this ed o Polls
V-oprtio  ofTaxe,                           8 rattable
&ate . to be colle6ied at the Times, and in the Manner follow- Ete.
ln!1, viz. Ono Tbird Var of the raid 8Uax, to be paid on or be-
forc the lail Day of June next ; one Third Part thereof, on or When, and
betore the 1afl Day of September next ; the remaining Third, In what
on Or before the laft Day of November next.  The fid Sum rannr It
- a oM b(oraall bc
to be paid in the following Manner, viz. in Silver or Gold; the paid.
Treaturer's Certificates for Intereft due on public Securities ;
Orders on the Treafurer, drawn by the Piefident of the Coun-
cil, in favour of Officers and Soldiers, in the three and fix Months
Service ; or - in like Orders, in favour of any, Town or Perfon,
for Bounties to Soldiers, or Supplics to their Families, up to the
lait of the Year One 'Thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy-
Mac 4 or in the following fpecific Articles, viz.
Good New-Engl2nd Rum, at two jbillings and fix peace per Run,
Good Wel-India Rum. at four jAillings per Galton,
Beef-Cattle at the Brit Period, at the ;pence ,qdj penny per
Found weight ; the fecond Periud, at ;bree pence per Pound ; &*ef  d.th
the third and laft Perikd, two pence half 'prow pecr Found,

I k

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