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1787 441 (1787)

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Concerning maintenance of the Poor.



To enable three Juffices of the Peace, unus quorum,
to determine all difputes concerning the mainte- Paffed June
nance of the poor.                                             1   1787.
Whereas there is no law now in force within this flate, whereby any pari.
cular Court, is impowered to determine difputes and controvegfies, which
may arife concerning the jettlement and juppoi of the poor; - And Preamble.
whereas it would greatly tend to the eafe and cenvenience of the inhabi-
tants of this /tate, to hear and determine all fuch dputes, as near as
may be, to the place where they artfe; and in a Jummary way, to the
end, that the poor may not perifh through want, while the parties are
contending in law, about the buriben of their maintenance
B    E it therefore Enafled by the SENATE and HOUSE of RE.
PRESENTATIVES in GENERAL COURT codened, That all dif Tehte Jurri
puteswhich may arife in any County within fa-d State,concerningthefup- wineodr-
port and maintenance of any poor perfon, fhall be heard and derermin- putes con-
ed by three Juftices of the peace, unus qnorum, in fibch County, who on cerning the
a petition being preferred to them, fhall order the adverfe party to be upportofthe
ferved with a copy thereof, with their order thereon, appointing a pro-
per day and place of hearing, giving eight days notice at Jeaft : And on
hearing both parties, or the petisioner only, (if the adverfe party, on
notice as atorefaid fhall not appear) (hall proceed to make fuch order
thereon as fhall appear juft, either for the pift or future maintenance of
fuch perfon or perfons ; and may tax cofl for either party, and ifhe
execution thereon accordingly, under the hand and feal of the faid
quorum Juffice, who fhall keep all records and proceedings thereon. E xecution to
And in all cafes where flch orders are made againil any town or parifb, iTe againli
or againft any fele6tmen of any town or parifl, the execution Thall illue relealmen
againft the lele&men thereof for the time being, and their eftates, and who are to af
fefs the inha-
they, or their ficceffors, IfiaDl affefs the inhabitants of fuch town or pa- bitanits.
nth to reimburfe them, unlefs they fhall have fo much of the town or
parilh's money in their hands, at the time fuch execution is ferved;
and the faid quortum Juffice fhall be allowed fix fhillings per day,
and the other Juftices five fhillings per day, with travellirng fees as in
cafies of taking depofitions.
And in caie the feleamen of any town or parifl, or any relation Of seleamen or
any poor verfon, in the line of father, or grandfather, mother or grand- relation, re-
mother, children or grand-children (fuch relations being of fufficient fuling toobey
the petitioner
ability) fhall difobey the order of any fuch Juffices, concerning the pa11 may apply to
or future maintenance of any poor perfon or perfons, the petitioner in fuch Junlices
fuch cafe may apply to fuch Juflfices as beforementioned, or to any other or other three
three Juflices (one being of the quorurm) within fuch county, wnere jullices, who
. .ffall gte no-
fuch difputes and controverfies may arife as aforefaid, by a new petiti- ace and 0rder
on, fitting forth the former order, and that the fame had not been coM- reamburfe-
plied with : And fuch Juflices giving notice, as aforefaid, to fuch re- ment with
Jation o, fele6tmen of fuch town or -parifh refpe&ively, may hear the  e
parties thereon as aforefaid, and may order the petitioner a reinburle- codes.
Ident of all damages and charges fuftained by means of the firfit orders
not being complied with, and double cofs, and iffue execution accor-
dinglys and fo tories quoties. And any perfon aggrieved at the fen-
A                          tence

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