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1784 313 (1784)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0073 and id is 1 raw text is: Prefervation of Fe/.  Light~ Hlouf.  31

To   prevent   the   deflruflion  of Salmon, Shad anda pl 184.
Alewives, in Merrimack River.
[V7H E R E A S the FiJhery of Salmon, Shad and Alewives, in Preamble.
  Merrimack River, and the Waters falling lhereinto, (if pre-
ferved) may be of great u/e to the inhabitants of this State, as well
as to the State of Maffachufetts, who have paed an a8 jor the
prefervation thereof:
HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES, and it is hereby enaled,
That no perfon or perfons whatfoever, fhall catch, kill or deftroy No perfonk
to Catch$
any Salmon, Shad, or Alewive, in Merrimack River, or any of the &c ,
waters falling thereinto, within this State, except on Tuefdays,
Wednefdays, and Thurfdays, upon penalty of two pounds, to be
recovered by bill, plaint or information, or indiamepc of the grand Penalty.
jury, in any court proper to try the fame, for each filb fo caught,
killed or deftroyed : The one half of faid forfeiture or pcnaltv, to
be for the ufe of the profecutor j and the other half for ihe Wfe of
this State.
And no perdon or perfons whatfoever, fhall within the months tiopedon
of May; '/une, September and O8cber, annually,. ered or build any to ere& any
mill-dam, or other obfiruaion whatfoever, upon or a-crols the faid T1il dam
river Aerrimack, or any o the lreams or waters running
into the fame, where the faid flh, or any of them dufally pafs, or
where they have heretofore ufually paffed, nor (hall continue any
fuch mill-dam  or other ob(frudion as aforefaid, within the months
alorefaid, whenfoever the fame was built, fu as to hinder the free
coufde and paffage of faid fith, or any of them, upon the penalty of
twenty po,?nds, to be recovered and applied as aforefaid. Penalty
For   eflablilhing   a  Light-Houfe.                ffed 16-
a                    April 1-, 4
T IH E R EA S it .is necejary fir the benefi> of Foreig';ers, Plearnb.
as well as for the inhabitants of the United-States, that a
Ligh't- Houfe fxuld be kept at the entrance of Pt(cataqua Harbour
HOUSE QF REPRESENTATI VES for faid Stale, and ,t is here- Houk to
G  g                       by   be repair'di


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