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1783 305 (1783)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnh0072 and id is 1 raw text is: Ecouragermnt of        Literature.          3o5
For the   encouragement of Literature and Genius, and
for fecuring to Authors the exclifive Right and Be No. v~s3.
nefit of publithing     their Literary' Produdions for
twenty Years.
dS the improvement of knowledge, the progrefs of civilization' Pr  ble
*' and the adencemert of human happinefi, greatly depend on the
efis o learned and ingeniobspreifons ipt the various arts and fciences ;
as the principal encouragement flach perfons can have to. make great
and benefcial exertions o this riature, miu conf/ in the legal fourity
of the fruits of their fludy and indu/lry to tbemilves ; and as fach
fecurity is one of the natural rights of all men, tbure being no property
more peculiarly a man's own than that which is produced by the labor
of his mind:
THEREFORR, to encurage the pubcation of Literary Pro-
dualons, hbnorary and benefcial to the public,
BE IT   ENACTED si rn         COUNCIL     AND HOUSE oF
REPRESENTATIVES, iN GENERAL-ASSEMBLY                 convened.
and by the AUTnORITYof tbefame, That-all Books, Treatifes, aid gkk &C,
other Literary Works, having the name or names of the author or the folepro.
authors thereof prmted and publiihed with the fame, thall be the party ot the
fole property of the laid author or authors, being tubjeds .of the author.
Uniited States of America, their heirs and afligns, for the fill and:
compleat term of twenty years from the date of their firft pub.
And Ae it furtbtr enalled by the AUTnORIy aforefaid, That if
any perfon or perfons thall print, re. print publifh, fell, or expofe to Perfoes
fale ; or.fhall caufe to be printed, re-printed, publiihed, fold, er prohibited
expofed to fale, any booki treatife, or other literary work, not yet p!y literar
printed, written by any fubjed of, the United States of America, prodwaions
whofe name as author, fhall have been thereto prefixed, without
confent of the author or authors, or their affigns, during faid term,
thall forfeit and pay a (um not exceeding one thoujind pounds, nor
lefs than five pounds, to the ofe of fuch author or authors, or their Pensity
affignas to be recovered by aaion of debt, in any court of record
proper to try the fame:
Prdeided alwys, That this a& flalt not be conftrued to extend
in favor, or for the beneth of any author or authors, fubje& or fub-
je&s of any other of the United States, uatil the State or States of
which fuch authors are fubieas, thall have paffed fimilar laws, for
fecuring to authors the exclufive right and benefit of publilhing their
literary produ6ions.
XX       XX'CO                 O*CXX                   OX
Ee                       AN

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