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1809 1 (1809)

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At a Oeneral asemblp, begun and held at lRadgt), on the Twentieth Day of     1809
November, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Eight Hundred and Nine,
and in the Thirty-Fourth Year of the Independence of faid State.
An Act providing for the further relief of Debtors.
BE it enacted by the General Afembly of the State of North-Carotina, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority ofshe fame, That in all cafes where any judgment ihall
have been obtained for any debt or damages, in any court of common pleas and
quarter-feftions of this State, againft any debtor or other perfon whomfoever, at any
time before the thirty-firit day of December, one thoufand eight hundred and nine, it Executions
fhall be the duty of fuch court to ftay execution, and all further proceedings thereon, ' obtain.
until the firlt term or regular feflion of fuch court which may happen next after the ed in county
firft day of April, one thoufand eight hundred and ten; fuch debtor or perfon firfit giving ,,,tuIn he
two freeholders, fuch as thall be approved by the faid court as fecurities for the faid the 1st of A.
flay of execution, the acknowledgment of fuch fecurities, and the entry of their names pril, 181t.
in open court, being conlidered as part thereof. And thould the faid judgment, with
intereft and cofis, not have been ditcharged on or before the said firft term or regular
feffion of fuch court which may happen next after the faid firft day of April, one
thoufand eight hundred and ten, it thall be the duty of fuch court, on application
made, to iffue execution againft the principal and his fecurities, for the full amount,
or fo much thereof as fhall remain unpaid.
1. And be it further enacted, That in all cafes where any judgment fhall have
been obtained againft any debtor or other perfon whomfoever, before any juftice of
the peace out of court having cognizance thereof, at any time before the thirty-firft bainment
day of December, one thoufand eight hundred and nine, it Ihall be the duty of fuch Fore a Justice
Juftice, or in cafe of his death, refignation or removal, the duty of any other juf'ice ntithe
of the fame county wherein fuch judgment fhall have been obtained, to flay execution April,1810.
and all further proceedings thereon, until the firlt day of April, one thoufand eight
hundred and ten; fuch debtor or perfon firft giving two freeholders, fuch as fhall be
approved by the faid julice, as fecurities for the faid flay of execution; the ac-
knowledgment of fuch fecurities, and the entry of their names on the faid judgment,
being contidered as part thereof. And fhould the faid judgment, with intereft and
cofis, not have been paid on or before the faid firft day of April, one thoufand eight
hundred and ten, it {hall be the duty of fuch juliice of the peace, or in cafe of his
death, refignation or removal, the duty of any other juftice of the fame county, to
award execution againft the principal and his fecurities for the full amount, or fo much
thereof as (hall remain undischarged.
III. And be it further enaled, That in all cafes where any judgment fhall here-
after be obtained for any debt or damages in any court of common plea, and quarter- on;9dgments
hweeafter <,b.
feffions of this State, againft any debtor or other perfon whomfoevet, and at the firf tained in any
term or regular feffion of fuch court which may happen next after the thirty-firft day couny court,
of December, one thoufand eight hundred and nine, it (hall be the duty of fuch court bstaveaon-it
to flay execution and all further proceedings thereon, until the firlt term or regiulartl ',-t  i
fellion thereof which may happen next after the firit day of Xpril, one thouland eight April, uno.
hundrtd and ten; fuch debtor or perfon firft giving two freeholders, fuch as mhall be
approved by the faid court, as fecurities for the faid ftay of execution, the acknow-
ledgment of fuch fecurities and the entry of their namessn open court, being conlidered
as part thereof. And thould the faid judgment, with itreft and colts, nothave.beea

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