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1808 1 (1808)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0258 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS
At a (erral 1,5CMi1p, begun and held at 18tleigl), on the Twenty-firft Day
of November, in the Year of our Lora One Thouland Eight Hundred & Eight,  loo8
and in the Thirty-Third Year of the Jidependence of faid State.
CHAP. T.~-
An Act erecting the west part of Buncombe into a separate and distinct County, ani also
part of Brunswick and a part of Bladent Counties into a separate and distinct County.
VX vHEREAS the inhabitants in the weft part of Bunconbe County are very
inconvenient to the Court-h de in faid county, which renders the attendance of Preamble.
Jurois and Witneffes very burthenfame and expenfive, and almoft impofiible in
the winter feafon: for remedy whereof,
Be it enacied by the General A/femblv of the State of North-Carolina, and it
is.hereby enaied by the authority of the fame That all that part of the county of
Buncombe, (to wit) beginning where the fouthern boundary line of this State
cr,1iles the higheft part of the ridge dividing the waters of the French Broad fiom
thofe of the Tucky Siegy River, then along the faid ridge to the ridge dividing Boundaryer
the waters of Pigeon and the French Broad River, then wirfn faid ridge to the top h wcou
of Mount Pi6rah, thence a dire8 line to the mouth of the firft branch emptying into
Fominy Creek on the north fide above jeffe Belieu's, thence with faid branch to
the fource, and thence alongthe top of the ridge, dividing the waters of French Broad
and thofe of Pigeon River, to the northern boundary of this State, and with the State
line to the line which thall divide this State from the State of Georia, and with
thai Ijne to the beginning, thall be, ana i hciey eeteci ;nto a fepaiate and dif-
tina County, by the name of Haywood, in honor of the prelent Treafurer of this
11. A '.d 6e it further enacted, That all juffices of the Peace being within the
bounds of the fitd county of [aywood, thall exercife the fame authority as they Jusces was
have heretofore done in the county of Buncombe ; and the JuLlices hereafter to  1 he ew
be appointed in the uftual manner, and when qualified agreeable to law, !hall hold c
and exercife all the power and authority, and be fubject to the iame penalties that
Jufices of 'the Peace of the fieveral counties in this State are fubjet to, or have
a right to enjoy.
IlI  *nd be itfrther ena~led. That the faid county of Haywood fhall be part
of the diftrict in which Buncombe county is included for lecting Reprelentatives
to the congress of the United States, and for Elecior to vote for a Prefident and
Vice-Prehdent of the United States : and elecilions hereafter to be held in the faid jewe t,
county of Ilaywood [hall be conduded in the fame manner, under ihe fame rules, o be electo.
regulations and restricions; as ekdlions for the like purpofe are conducted in the ral dwarct.
feveral counties in this State.
IV. And he it further enaFled. That John Steph enfon, John Montgomery, Wil-
liam 1eever, John Dobfon, Hugh Davicifon, Hollyman Battle and John Bryfon commisson.
be, and they are hereby appointed Comflioners for fixing on a proper and con- rs f fi ng
venient place at or near the centre of faid county, whereon to ereo the public 'acea fie
buildings ; the dutics of which appointment they, or a majority of them, are requefl .ublic buid.
ed to execute as foon as pofiible after the palling of this aLl : but until a court-maS

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