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1777 199 (1777)

handle is hein.ssl/ssnc0253 and id is 1 raw text is: ]777. 199
Ai a General, ASSEMBLY, begun and held at Newbern, on- the                              Eighth    RIClfAnOCJ*c.
flay of April,, in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and 'a                           'r'
Seventy-seven, and in the          First Year of the Independence of the                said-
8tate:- Being the First Scssion of this Assembly.
An aa to flablil a militia in thift ate.,                          CHAP. I.,
Rep. and prov:dcd for by subscquentads;-
A   actfor Avying a tax by generaloffment, and otherpurpofes.                  CHAr. 2. -
ittlp 2,1777,13.
An 1 declaring *what crimes and proaikes agairn/ the flate fiall be treafon, and whatifall be milpry/ion of CHAP. 3.
treason, and providing punihment adequate to, crimes of both clafsr, and for preventing the dangeri which 2 1W, 6.
may arise from pe-sons disafLeiTed to the flate.  .Inio, 13.
1. IE it enaded by the General ffemily of the fate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the autho- Persons owing.
lrity of the same, That all and every perfon and perfons (prifoners of war excepted) now inhabit- allegiance tutie.
lig or refiding within the limits of the ftate of North-Carolina, or who (hall voluntarily come into the state.
fame hereafter to inhabit or refide,' do owe,' and fhall pay allegiance to the ftate of North Carolina.
IT.' ind be itfurther enaded by the authority oforefaid, That if any perfon or perfons- belonging to, or re- crinesdeclared
fiding within this flate, and under the proteaion of its laws, fliall take a commillion or coramillions hia-teason.
from the King of Great-Britain, or any under his authority, or other the enemies of this ftate, or the
United States of America ; or thall levy war againit this tate,' or the government thereof ; or know-
ihgly and willingly (hall aid or aflift any enemies at open war againift this (tate,; or the United States of
America, by joining their armies, or by inlifting,; or procuring or perfuading others to inhlft for that
purpofe, 6r by furnilhing fuch enemies with arms, ammunition, provifion, or any other article for their
aid or coinfort ; or thall form, or be in'any wife concerned in forming,' any combination, plot, or con-
fpiracy, for betraying this flate, or the United States of America, into the hands or power of any fo-
reign enemy ;'or thall give or fend any intelligence to the enemies of this flate for that purpofe; every
lerfon fo offending, and being thereof legally convided by the evidence of two fullicient witneffes, or
ftanding mute, or peremptorily challenging more than thirty-five jurors, in any court of oyer and ter-
miner, or other court that thall and may be'eftablifhed for the trial of fuch offences, (hall be adjudged
guilty of high-ticafon; and (hall fuffer death without the benefit of clergy, and his or her eftate thall
be forfeited to the (tate. Provided, that the judge or judges of the court wherein fuch convilion may
be; thall and may order and appropriate fo much of the traitor's eftate, as to him or them may appear
fuflicient,' for the fupport of his or her family.
III. And be itJurther enaard by the authority aforesaid, That if any perfon or perfons within this flate (hall Nsisison of'
attempt to'convey intelligence to the enemies of this flate or of the United btates ; or thall publicly and teason.
deliberately fpeak or write againft our public defence; or thall malicioufly and advifedly endeavour to
excite the people to refift the government of this ftate, or perfuade them to retursl to a dependance on the
crown of Great-Britain ;' or (hall knowingly fpread falfe and difpiriting news, or malicioully and advifedly
terrify and difcourage the people from inlting into the fervice of the ftate ; or thall flir up or excite tu-
mults, difoiders or infurreaions in the state; or difpofe the people to favour the enemy, or oppofe and
endeavour to prevent the meafures carrying on in fupport of the freedom and independence of t!he faid'
United States ; every fuch perfot or perfons being thereof legally conviaed by the evidence of two or
smore creditable witneffes, or other fufficient teftimony, thall be adjudged guilty of mifprifion of treafon,
and fhall fuffer,,imprifonment during the war, and forfeit to the flate one half of his, her or their lands,'
tenemeits, goods and chattels.
IV. And be it further enac7ed by the aruthority aforesaid, That all offences by this a6 declared mifprifion of where ccgniz'
treafon thall be cognizable before any jufti; of peace of the county where the offnce was committcdr, ab4

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